
Suddenly he began hearing mechanical whirs from all the ships' hulls.

This prompted him and the rest of the group, to begin turning around in space.

Normally, no living thing should be capable of surviving and moving in space, the only way living things can move in space is through floating as a result of weightlessness and the lack of gravitational force in space, but this only applies to the mundane.

There's extremely low oxygen in space, but the level of the group is not low, at their level, they can survive in the tidbits of oxygen without discomfort for at least a week.

And their body is not mundane, so they can resist the body's destructive radioactive rays that travel constantly in space. A normal mundane won't be able to survive in space for more than two hours, be it a human or a dragon.

Not only that, even without their energy and under the effects of the Cthulhu's mist, they can affect the direction of their floating.

So using this ability, they all moved around, albeit a bit slow, what they witnessed made their eyes widen.

Amidst the symphony of mechanical whirrs, they watched as enormous cannons slid out futuristically from every corner of the ship's hull, precisely aligning to target Dragovic and the surviving group. The air grew tense as the imposing barrels locked onto their position. Abruptly, a cold yet authoritative feminine voice echoed from the vast mothership, commanding them to "FREEZE!" The stark order reverberated, intensifying the gripping moment in space.

"Follow my lead" Dragovic muttered in a low voice, raising his hands in surrender.

The group did as he said, all of them raising their hands in surrender.

As the door of the immense mothership gracefully slid open, a female elf with exquisite, silky white hair and a coldly beautiful face emerged, accompanied by two handsome male elves wielding laser guns. Adorned in nano armor reminiscent of Ironman, their suits emitted light from the soles of their feet and palms, enabling movement in space. The nano armor of the Elven lady sparkled like diamonds, while that of the male elves behind her gleamed in a bronze-like hue.

In a chilling voice, she remarked, "Well, well, I didn't think that the prideful dragons would surrender this easily without a fight."

Glancing at Dragovic, she added, "I wonder what brought about this change"

Dragovic's lips curled up but he remained silent.

"Don't have any funny ideas, the only way to survive this ambush is to completely surrender and follow my command" she said her gaze intently focused on Dragovic.

Then she added, "Follow me to the mothership"

The group watched as Dragovic complied, leaving them with no choice but to comply as well.

The male elves were silent, but their eyes couldn't hide the shock in it. They knew the true nature of the Dragons, it was shocking for them to change so much.

But they remained silent and watched the group follow the elven lady when the group had passed them by they then followed the group behind to ensure that the group didn't do anything funny.

While the group has already complied, they still can't trust them because it's not assured that the group won't do anything funny on the way to the ship.

The huge gate-like door to the mother ship slid open and the group entered inside.

Upon entering, the Elven lady raised her hands to the air without looking back, Dragovic's eyes twitched, knowing that that raised hand was a cue for the two armed Elven males to do something.

But he remained silent, he was sure that the elves wouldn't kill them, he didn't know why but it was clear that the elves needed them for something.

The next second, the group found themselves under fire from futuristic guns wielded by two elves in advanced nano armor. The shots were incredibly swift and accurate, but instead of bullets, thin yet durable sheets of metal shot out. These sheets rapidly spun towards the group, independently wrapping around each person's legs and hands like bands, leaving everyone bound by the metallic wraps.

The rest of the group was gritting their teeth in anger, their furious gaze on Dragovic. They were thinking that he had led them to their doom.

"This is the only way to survive, if you had tried to escape, the same scenario would surface but you would be put in a tougher position" Dragovic reminded them in a calm voice.

Only now did the rest of the group realize that even If they had tried to run, the elven males would have used their weapons, and they would still be wrapped by these metal sheets and then dragged into the mother ship, but the elves might add another harsh treatment to teach them a lesson.

While they were thinking about this Mia suddenly spoke, her words sending chills running down the spine of the group.

"Why lock me up with them?! I did my job just fine"