Confrontation with Gods

Within minutes, everyone made it to the room with the Star Glorb. Amy stood on the Crystal Star's platform's pedestal and took out the Red Crystal Star.

He held the Crystal Star in front, turning on the cyan light display. Then, the Harmony Emerald floated to the bottom right open star and the Magical Map rose out of his pocket, glowing white. Star-shaped glitter also appeared within the glow. A thin cyan circle faded in and lowered until it touched the Magical Map. The room then brightened up, causing everyone to shield their eyes. Three seconds later, a star-shaped orb exploded outward and a bang sounded across the room with a final white flash. The room darkened to its normal state and the cyan lights disappeared along with the Crystal Star. The Magical Map dropped into Alan's hands again. Below Toad Town was a tropical island with palm trees and a rock with a skull emblem on it. A shiny blue star also appeared in front of the island. "Looks like the next Crystal Star is in the middle of the sea!" Blossom pointed out. "But what is that island?"

"Be patient, Blossom," Lily said. "Let's talk to Professor Frankly first."

"Don't forget about Spluff Ivy's text," Storm chimed in.

Inside Professor Frankly's office, the professor was sleeping on his desk, two of his books already opened up. Alan stepped up and tapped Professor Frankly on his back. "Professor?" he whispered. "Wake up." Professor Frankly suddenly woke up, having been startled by Storm's voice. "WHUZZAH?! Who came in?!"

"Calm down. It's us."

Professor Frankly sighed with relief having got his bearings back. "Oh my Gosh. I forgot I was sleeping the whole time. What time is it?"

Amy looked at the clock. "9:31."

"That's late! No one usually visits me at this hour," Professor Frankly said. "But since you and the others are here, we might as well talk." "Okay. We just got a red Crystal Star from Mega City, and Spluff Ivy texted us after we came back," Amy explained. "She said the legendary treasure is actually the spirit of an ancient wizard. And the X-Nauts want to use the power of the Crystal Stars to resurrect it," Marky added in. "What?! That was what Princess Spluff Ivy texted you?!" Professor Frankly cried.

"She did," Alan answered.

"How bone-chilling... Sadly, it does seem to be consistent with what I've uncovered... Was it before I dozed off?"

"What did you find?" Goombella asked. "I'm getting there...Let me remember what I found, Goombella." Professor Frankly took a minute to figure out what he discovered earlier in the night. "Oh yes. It's rather long, so you'd best listen well."

"Okey-dokey," Alan replied.

"The great cataclysm that I read about in that book may well refer to this wizard... It says that a monster destroyed a large town that once stood on in this very area. It also says that the seven Crystal Stars were actually created by this monster. And that this thing used the power of the Crystal Stars to try to control the world."

Everyone stood in awe at Professor Frankly's story.

"According to this book, the sorceress was defeated in the end by four heroes. But only the witch's physical form was destroyed," Professor Frankly explained. "Its spirit could not be eradicated. So, the heroes used the Crystal Stars, which they had stolen from the demon. And they cast the evil beast into the depths of a vast maze and sealed the exit. From this, I gather that the Crystal Stars cannot distinguish good from evil. So, if they're all united, they could either seal away or resurrect the demon. It seems that who wields the Crystal Stars determines if they're used for evil or good."

"Does that mean we should stop finding the Crystal Stars?" Marky asked. "I mean, if we found all seven, they'll still be stolen for evil purposes."

"Yeah. What if they have to be destroyed?" Alan questioned.

"That was my first thought too, but further research suggests we can't do that," Professor Frankly replied. "There's a slight possibility that the Star Glorb is weakening. It seems the Crystal Stars hold the power to seal the spirit for a thousand years. So, once a thousand years pass, the power to keep the door sealed shut will fail. And unfortunately, this year may be the thousandth year. The fact that those goons want the stars now may be a coincidence... But maybe not. In other words, we must be ready for the sorceress' return, even if the X-Nauts fail."

"So, I guess we'd better find the remaining three, then," Alan said. "It's the only way, right?"


Amy gave Sonia the Magical Map, who handed it to Professor Frankly.

"Goombella wants to know about the island on the bottom of the map," Marky requested.

"Hrmm... That island right there is what's called Spluffmandu," Professor Frankly said. "I'm none too familiar with the place, but I've heard countless unsavory rumors. You know, the usual stuff...Island in the sky, Spirits full of goodness, things like that..."

Alan took the Magical Map back and stowed it in his pocket.

"I'm sure the sea salts down by the harbor know more," Professor Frankly stated. "But it's already night out and you should get some rest before you ask them."

"That's what we were thinking," Marky agreed, letting out a yawn.

"What's the Star Spell the red Crystal Star gave Alan?" Dawn asked.

"Hm. The Ruby Star you got from Mega City has granted Alan the Art Attack. The first thing you say is 'Circdraw Plode!' That'll spawn a special crayon in your hand. Use that to draw circles in the air and push them toward any enemies in your way. Kinda like magic blasts." Professor Frankly pointed out. "By the way, where is Alan and Marky and the little robot Droppy?"

The girls realize they forgot about them and explains that they took the second train to mega city but never showed up, so they decided to retrieve the star while they wait for them to show up. Frankly has never heard of a second train to mega city, and this makes the group confused and wonder what train their friends took. But, that will have to wait til' tomorrow.

"All right. Good night, Professor," Amy said as she left the office. Everyone else also said good night to Professor Frankly.

The cast made a beeline to the Inn and went upstairs to the third floor. Toadsworth had reserved a room for the girls ahead of time just as Amy and the girlss started getting ready for bed. After getting their nightclothes on, Maya prepped the sofa sleeper for herself while Blossom tucked her and Yumi into bed.

"If you can't sleep, don't be afraid to wake me up," Blossom said softly. "I'll help you in any way I can."


Blossom lightly kissed Maya and Yumi on their forehead. "Yumi. (Good night, Blossom. Sleep well.)"

"Good night..."

Aikon is seen embracing the world, saying that his utopia is almost here as he has to deal with the rest of the mortals. Alan fires a ki blast in the air in to inform anyone who's on the island of their location unkowingly giving Aikon their location, and He uses the light to confront them. Aikon says that he thought the mothership was destroyed, as Alan immediately goes to battle. Alan and Marky meet Aikon for the first time, wondering if Aikon has been the one terrorizing the world and lying to everyone making them believe Alan was a threat. Alan powers up his elemental powers and Aikon applauds Alan, telling him that he must have trained well to ascend to such a level, teleporting in front of Alan without the young hero instantly reacting.

Alan, surprised, realizes that Aikon is far stronger than him. Alan then prepares to assault Aikon, launching him far away with a barrage of hard punches. Marky asks Kairi if Aikon really is a god like Stolas because he referred to Alan as a "mere mortal". Alan knocks Aikon into the ground and further assaults him, but Aikon, unaffected by the attacks, smirks at Alan, who suddenly senses something. Aikon then kicks Alan hard, knocking him back to where Marky and Kairi are standing. Aikon compliments Alan's ability, then prepares to show the mortals something as he powers up, revealing his new transformation, Super Rosé Aikon.

"What the what?!" Alan said in shock.

"Impressive, is it not? In keeping with how you like to name your power forms, the name of this one is...Super Rosé. That's right, I have now become Super Rosé Aikon." Aikon said in a british accent.

Aikon reveals that he has fully mastered his powers and that he is now at a level above the princess of stars. Alan reminds Aikon that he is his opponent and attacks him again, catching one of Aikon's punches and preparing to punch him.

Alan is then hit by an Energy Blade from Aikon. As Alan is knocked out and falls to the ground, Aikon says he will then take care of the "main dish" and rise to greater heights.

Aikon begins charging a Black Rosé Cannon, but is interrupted by the arrival of Stolas, much to the surprise of the three children. Stolas reminds Aikon that he will finish off Alan. Stolas, has appeared standing next to Aikon, which leaves Alan, Kairi and Marky shocked. Alan realizes the two are allies, but Stolas corrects him saying they are kindred spirits. Marky realizes that since the two are standing side-by-side, Aikon and Stolas are actually the same person, and wonders just who Aikon is. Stolas exclaims that the just world he is longing for will soon come to fruition, and Alan powers up again and engages Stolas in battle, his punch blocked by Stolas' Energy Blade. Alan thinks to himself that things feel different compared to when he fought Aikon. The two fight an evenly-matched battle, but eventually Aikon joins the battle, and together they drive Alan into a corner. Stolas exclaims that Alan is his prey, but Aikon says that he has a strong desire to kill Alan that he cannot go against.

Stolas and Aikon begin to attack Marky and Kairi, but they are interrupted by Alan, who blocks Aikon's attack with his sword. After exclaiming he will beat both of them, Alan fights with Aikon and knocks him and Stolas back. The loopers, watching the battle from afar, is worried about their savior. Aikon and Stolas emerge again, and the three engage in an intense match. Alan is being overwhelmed by Aikon, surprised that he can also teleport. Alan succeeds in stabbing Stolas with his sword, but is surprised to see his wound instantly heal. Aikon tries to attack Alan but he is stopped by him. He pushes Stolas back and fires a Final Flash at him, shocked to see him emerge from the smoke unharmed.

Both beaten, Marky is perplexed that even Alan was defeated and wonders what they should do. Aikon and Stolas prepare a team attack to finish off the night light, but the attack is destroyed by Alan, having used his "Chill Out" Star power and fired a Fire Flash, but Alan falls back to the ground. Aikon and Stolas soon find out that his friends escaped in the confusion, and they decide to finish off Alan.

Aikon and Stolas re-emerge in their Godly states. Stolas points out that Alan has a lot of potential who he still holds a grudge with and charges at Alan in a rage. So Alan takes on the two gods, withstanding a powerful attack to enter into the Psuedo Super Form state where he quickly takes Aikon and Stolas down. Suddenly, both Aikon and Stolas use the Dark Dragon Orbs made by an unknown assailant, the orb powers the two up dramatically as Alan prepares for an even tougher fight. From above they are all watched by Queen Magica who urges them to fight for her own upcoming plans. Empowered, Aikon and Stolas prove to be to much for Alan to handle. However a masked saiyan and a masked spluffette unexpectedly appears, also having been swallowed up in this new universe and without warning, they charge forward and strikes a mighty blow to the midsections of both Aikon and Stolas to knock them aside and faces the two galactic tyrants.

The two mysterious figures are proven no match for them either as the Spider Seven appear. After Aikon reveals he is a clone with saiyan DNA, then Alan asks who Stolas is. Stolas answers that he is a scientist who became a god using the power of the Star Glorb from the alternate universe, and he teamed up with Aikon. Aikon tells Alan about how he, as a god, was pitifully defeated by a "mere mortal", and developed a hatred for spluffettes, and combining his body with Stolas' heart caused him to gain greater strength.

Aikon asks Stolas if he is ready, and Stolas confirms. They both assume the same fighting stance, and charge two ki blasts that merge into a huge blast and fires it at the night light, causing a huge explosion.

The Night Light managed to block the attack, having assumed his power up form. Alan charges towards Stolas and Aikon, with Alan yelling at marky to head back to the others along with the loopers using the warp zone on Droppy, Marky refuses to leave him behind but Alan remarks, telling him he can't be able to help, marky understands and the group warp back to the other universe. Aikon turns into a Super Rosé Aikon and uses his Energy Blade, which Alan blocks, but he is kicked into a building. Alan confirms that he is all right. Saying that he needed someone with the same heart and understanding to carry out his justice, Aikon continues his story.

Back in the Alternate Universe, Marky, Droppy, and the loopers arrive at the Inn his friends are at. They enter the Inn and see their friends in the lobby having breakfast. Meanwhile, the girls see marky and droppy and they are happy to see their friends return and ok. But, they then notice the loopers and asks where alan is.

"Alan is still in the other universe after he told us to head back here." Marky explained.

"Other universe? Why? And when is he coming back?" Amy asked.

"He stayed because he's fighting Stolas and Aikon. And the question isn't when is he coming back, Amy... it's if he's coming back." Marky Answered in worry.

This news brings fear and worry to the group as they head to the professor's lab for help.

Using the Star Glorb, Aikon says he then used the glorb to wish for immortality, and in order to ensure that their wish could not be reverted, they sealed the Star Glorb to prevent anyone else from using it. Aikon then traveled to each universe and absorbed every Star Glorb, also indirectly conquering every universe. Being the only two godly forces and rulers in the entire multiverse, Aikon and Stolas ensure success for their Project Zero Mortals, and they charge towards the Night Light. Alan launches a ki blast barrage at them, but Stolas willingly blocks the attack with his immortal body. Alan is pressured by the pair's assault, and with the masked saiyan and spluffette still knocked down, the two proceed to gang up on Alan. Having Alan cornered, Aikon asks him if he wants to know why his family fears him.

Aikon says that he used to be his mothers' childhood bully, when they were kids he always looked down on them for being spluffettes, and the young saiyan hybrid was stronger than them just toying with them, always beating them. As adults they even fought him in a tournament but he came out victorious, even played dirty by stepping on Alina's ankle breaking it. After all that, he then warns them to never come to earth again or he would kill them. While he was telling this story, Aikon tries to stab Alan through Stolas, and as Alan is on the verge of defeat, he catches Aikon's Energy Blade with his bare hand. Hearing this, Alan grows more and more angry, and powers up to a psuedo super state while letting out a animalistic roar, breaking Aikon's energy blade. Aikon is fascinated at Alan's power-up, while a furious Alan fights both Stolas and Aikon and puts them on the defensive.

The angry Night Light is beating them with all of his rage, Alan easily dominates Stolas and Aikon.

When Alan attacks Aikon again, Aikon counters the attack, increasing his power due to taking Alan's powered-up beating, as noted by Stolas. Aikon creates an even bigger Energy Blade, and tries to stab Alan numerous times with spears of energy, but to no avail as alan breaks them and the blade again, knocking Aikon down on the ground defeated.

"Enough!" shouted Stolas in midair, "It's clear you're growing stronger each second. But this little fight of ours is over...for now."

Stolas use his instant transmission to transport him and Aikon out of the psuedo unsiverse. Just as Alan powers down from his psuedo super state and is confused about where they left. But before he could say anything, a blue portal appears behind him. Alan then uses his telekinesis to carry the two spluffs with him through the portal as it closes after they went through it.