A bond...?

Helios could be seen standing with his hands thrown behind him, standing on a rooftop. His demeanor was distant and his gaze even more so. His mind wandered back to seventeen years ago.

He recalled the sight that he was met with the moment he first opened his eyes after thousands of years. A silver-haired child stood before, staring into his eyes with no fear. Her aura was gentle yet fierce. He could feel the enormous power that was locked in her but only a fragment of what she possessed was released. Her strength was nothing compared to his but in a world filled with humans, a person with such power and at such a tender age, she was bound to be at the top of the food chain of the supernaturals.

He wouldn't be surprised to one day discover that she was of a high rank in the demon realm. Such power could only be possessed by one with a high status among the supernaturals.

"Hella…" he uttered the only word that had never left his memory since their encounter. The name that was spoken out of her before she vanished never to be seen again. How was it possible that he was unable to find her? It has been so long, with her power, it should been easy to find her yet, he was never able to. The thought that perhaps she had returned to the demon realm had crossed his mind many times but he knew it was not so. There had never been a disturbance in the space for dimensional travel to be made possible. He would know if that had ever happened.

He had tried many times to open the dimensional doorways but failed because of a banishment spell on him. His access to the realm was sealed. Only the one who banished and sealed him away could break the spell or at least one with his blood. That was what he thought until that night. That night when a little girl broke the seals that held him captive and immobile for millennia. It was also that night that he realized that perhaps he had hope, a chance to return and exert his revenge on the current Demon King.

But even with that little hope that he had she could not be found. Her energy signature was never felt until he met with the red-haired Eliana who harnessed similar energy. But he was also being reminded of something else. Something that he deemed impossible but when faced with the facts, he could not deny.

"A bond…?" He still found it hard to believe. After living for so long never having an encounter with one that could pull at the strings of his… heart? He doubted he had one. So what was it? He wondered.

"Why both of them?" He asked himself. He felt that tug in his… heart, toward Hella although their encounter was brief he refused to believe it. It had been one of the minor reasons he wanted to find her. His silver-haired little girl who could be his possible lifelong companion.

But now…

"Eliana Kim," he called her name. It rolled smoothly from out of his mouth and he loved how it sounded.

She reminded him of Hella, she was nothing like her. But the tug… that pull was there, it was what caused him to make such a ridiculous proposal to her. He should have regretted it but he couldn't find it in him to regret his words. His attraction towards her was something he intended to exploit. If she turns out to be his one… he'll think of something then.

As for Hella, he considered her more suitable but then, she was nowhere to be found.

Hella, Eliana, they were different, he knew that much. He could identify Hella's race and origin within a glance but Eliana remained a mystery. Even after spending a whole night trying to find out what she was, he had failed and it irked him. Failure was not something that he would ever accept in his life. Everything he ever did he was successful. He may not have done good deeds but he was proud that he never failed before.

"Whatever you are Eliana, I will find out soon," he sounded as though she was right there and he was speaking directly to her. A thought crossed his mind when he recalled her encounter with law enforcers. Not many creatures were strong enough to last that long. Among the supernatural, there were demon lords and white witches that would be able to last as long as she did before the effect of that pill took effect.

The white witch, a race deemed as royals among the witches. The most powerful group of witches. The last white witch was killed almost three decades ago that much he could recount. There was no rumor of another being born. Not in the human realm where he was right now nor in the supernatural realm.

But Helios could not rule out that possibility. Eliana just might be a white witch but she was oblivious of it. A glint flashed across his eyes at that thought and the decision to confirm his suspicions was instantly made. She couldn't be a demon, or perhaps she was, he was not certain, and that was why making sure of his suspicions was a must.

"My Lord," a familiar voice reached his ears. He didn't have to turn to know who it was behind him. "Raye has sent me to inform you that the lady has left her residence," the messenger continued after the silence dragged out without a word from his master.

Helios was silent, staring into the dark and moonless sky with few stars sparsely distributed across it. After a long while of silence with the phantom patiently waiting for his master's orders, Helios spoke,

"Where did she go?" He was concerned. She shouldn't be allowed to wander off without an escort. That was what he thought after hearing that she left her residence.

"It is said that she would be among those performing at the gala tonight. My Lord is among the invited guests," he replied.