Get the girl

'And he is back, just when I thought he had no motives,' Eliana thought. She sighed inwardly while contemplating his request and offer.

"So? What have you decided?" Helios asked. "It does not matter though, you are mine already. No one else is allowed to have you," he declared and her mouth fell open.

Lost for words, she peeled his hands from her and put some distance between them. "I belong to no one," Elian said, but he ignored her.

"I will find a way to break the seal, Hella, then you'll know why," he said, the conviction in his voice as he spoke surprised Eliana but she did not know how to respond to him. "Be patient and wait for me," he caressed her cheek and in the next moment, he disappeared without waiting to hear what she would say.

Elian stood there not knowing what to do. Where should she go now that everything was ruined? What would people think of her now? Eliana doubted what always happened in the past where everyone would forget about the incident that would happen this time. Everything had gone wrong and the only one who could help and she could count was none other than…. "Helios Sloan," Eliana sighed when she said that name and massaged her temple.

Should she do as he says and accept his proposal? Then what does that make her? His plaything? She was not one to accept such a life and treatment. She may be an orphan, but she wouldn't be bent by anyone.

"This is more tiring than what happened out there moments ago," she muttered to herself. She turned around and walked back inside the room, shutting the door behind and went to lie on the bed. It was so comfortable that she didn't even know when she fell into slumber.

Meanwhile, Helios appeared before a mansion, he looked around and then at it again and then liked beside him where a phantom materialized and bowed. "is this it?" he inquired.

"Yes, My lord, this is where they all came after leaving the hall," The phantom replied. He went silent as he waited for instruction but none came. Instead, Helios strutted inside with his hand behind him and his head held high.

Inside, he could hear voices from afar and walked in that direction. As he walked, the air around him became darker and colder with each step that he took, the colour of his eyes fluctuating and the water he had suppressed while with Eliana surfaced.

He came to stand before a door and as if those inside knew he was there, the voices ceased and the atmosphere became tense. He raised a fist and then knocked very gently two times and dropped the hand. Those inside would think that it was someone with good intentions at least friendly but they were wise enough to read the aura and knew fully well who stood behind that door.

He raised his hand again and the knick just once and the door went flying from its hinges and slamming against the wall on the other end of the room.

"Just where do you think you are going?" Helios asked. He walked in with slow and leisurely steps as if he was walking in his living room.


Inside the room, a group of six men and a woman could be seen around a table with a map spread on it. Their places on the map had been marked red while they seemed to be debating something else.

"What do we do now? A new four had been found thanks to that girl but we still do not know how to open it," one of them said. His eyes are glittering embers, almost like the sun. The form they had taken during their time at the gala as a disguise was long gone and their true nature could be seen.

"We get the girl, that is what we should do," another man suggested. The room fell silent as all eyes moved to one man in particular. With fiery red hair and crimson eyes, eyes elongated and curved to the side like that of a serpent.

"What are your thoughts, Master Zel?" the man seated beside the said Master Zel with hair as white as snow asks.

"Getting the girl is indeed a sure way to open the gates to the worlds, but getting her wouldn't be easy. We are unaware of her capabilities and if what happened was done unknowingly, then imagine what would happen if she truly wanted to cause destruction. Do not forget who else has his eyes on her," Master Zel said. His eyes staring at the wall with his pupils slit, he appeared seemingly deep in thought.

"Who is this man you are afraid of, Zel?" The woman amongst them stood up and walked seductively around the table with a tail, thin and long, almost like a rope with an arrowhead wagging behind her. She barely had anything covering her body. She stopped right beside Master Zel and placed a hand on his shoulder. "If it is Lord Helios, then we should ally with him. He is planning to open the door too, isn't he?" her tone was as seductive as always. "If you are still uncertain, just let me do it. I can convince him you know," she moved to sit on the table, licked her lips and offered a coy smile.

"I know your capabilities but do not forget those before you. None of them have ever returned to us, you are far too precious to lose," Master Zel said as he stood up and pinned to the table and gasped.

The sight would have had the others cringing but they looked in like there was nothing wrong with what they were doing.

"Then we get the girl away from him and take her before he notices, is that what you are saying?" She hooked her hands around his neck and her legs around his waist.

"Can you pull that off?" Zel asked, raising his head to look at the other five men. They looked at each other before nodding.

Meanwhile, the lady had locked her lips with his and they were now engaged in a passionate kiss but suddenly, they stopped and Zel cursed and they both disappeared along with two others taking the map along with them. Leaving just three behind who failed to sense the danger in time.