Back to Maple Ridge

"Is that all you'd need?" Lilian asked Eliana, seeing how little what she packed into her suitcase was. They don't know how long they'll be staying at Little Angels, so taking something more would be good.

"This would do. If I need anything else, I'll get it there," Eliana replied. She picked up the suitcase ready to leave when her eyes caught sight of the locket on the dressing table. "I forgot it here?" She mouthed and walked over to it, picked it up, and put it around her neck.

"When did you get that? I have never seen you wear it before. It's beautiful though," Lilian complimented as she stood beside Elia and examined the pendant. It looked strange and magical at the same time.

"Marianne gave it to me. She said that I had it with me when she found me," Eliana replied. She held the pendant and put it under her clothes, then carried her suitcase. "We should get going. It'll be late soon."