As you have ordered

"Traitor. I knew it was impossible to escape him alive," he said and readied himself to attack. He felt so stupid that they all believed that he managed a slim escape from death's jaws, and now, in this critical moment, he revealed himself. "Who the hell are you?" He yelled, feeling utterly betrayed.

"Such a pity, he stopped at a little distance and looked at him and then looked back at Eliana tending to Lillian's wounds. "I might as well fill you in before you die. He drew closer and stopped right in front of him, delivering a punch to his stomach that had him crouching down and clutching his abdomen. "I am known as Raye, you must have heard of me, right? Rowan? He stooped down and grabbed a handful of his hair as he introduced himself.

"The leader of the phantoms under his command. So you are here to protect your lady," the demon called Rowan, said with a self-deprecating chuckle at the end of his words. "You had everyone fooled. Me included."