

Fortunately, you are rescued from Marcel's bizarre cocktail by Kosmo.

"We all got to bring something special from home. I've been saving this bottle of scotch. It was distilled in 2018 and cost an eye and a leg," says Kosmo. It's impossible to tell from his autotuned voice whether he's joking or serious as he keeps a straight face.

He pours out a generous glass and you take the time to savor the smoky tones. This is a taste you will probably never have again, as barley was not a priority grain for the expedition.

Music is played throughout the ship. The people dance and drink and relax as the tension of being in transit is finally over.

"Beautiful to see people from all over the old world come together and make something new," Marcel opines.

"We've been here less than a day and he's already saying 'old world'!" Kosmo chirps. "But he's right, in a few generations our descendants are going to be a new kind of people."
