

"I believe you would," says Marcel. "But I can't have faith that our compatriots or our descendants will be so good. Humanity doesn't have a great track record."

After an hour's descent, the ice begins to grow discolored, almost gray under the beam of light.

Over the comms, you hear the voice of the colony's geologist, Celia Skarby. "Please take a core sample," she asks. "This could be what I—I mean, we—need to finally prove the cryo-vulcanism hypothesis. We're looking at a giant leap in astro-geology—"

"We only have a few sample containers and one trip, ice-coring is not a priority," Marcel reminds her.

The slow hydrogen production means there won't be another trip for many months to come. Further, the submarine can only hold four samples. However, the construction was hampered by the bay being built as a side project and so only three of the sample storage pods are operational.