The dragons were a force to be reckoned with, their mere presence striking fear in the hearts of all who laid eyes upon them. When they filled the sky with their razor-sharp spikes and ominous multi-colored scales, it was as if the very air around them became charged with danger.

Their long claws and dagger-like teeth were enough to make even the bravest warrior tremble, but it was their venomous breath that truly made them a never-ending disaster. With every stormy step, they took, fire and death trailed in their wake, the mark of destruction left behind wherever they tread.

At the forefront of this chaos was a knight of destruction, a powerful force that manipulated the circle of life to his every whim. He was a menacing beast, a painter of fear and despair that was molded with abundant strength.

But even for this fearsome creature, there was one weakness, one thing that could bring him to his feet - his female. She was the only one who could bring light and warmth to his dark and dangerous existence, and he would do whatever it took to protect her from the dragons and other dangers that threatened their world.

Despite all the destruction and darkness that surrounded him, this knight's fierce dedication and love for his female proved that there was still hope for even the most savage of beasts.


"Did you have to wait for a long time, my dear wife?"

Coretta's brows furrowed as she felt a strange sensation stir in her stomach. Her eyes widened as she looked down to see the thick, veiny tan hands that were now wrapped around her waist. She was both shocked and relieved at the same time - the arrows had finally stopped flying.

A ripple of butterflies filtered through her as she struggled to process what was happening. She had always known that she was capable of defending herself, but to have someone else come to her rescue was a new and unfamiliar sensation.

Despite her initial shock, however, she couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in those strong, capable hands. She knew that whoever they belonged to, they were there to protect her, to shield her from harm.

As the chaos continued to unfold around them, Coretta found herself relaxing into the embrace of her rescuer. Though she didn't yet know who it was, she felt safe and secure in their arms, as if nothing else mattered as long as they were there to hold her.

"Speak to me, Coretta. I need to know if you missed me," he whispered, leaning closer towards her. As he breathed in the scent of her dark burgundy hair, he could feel a deep yearning for her swell inside him. He held her tighter, wanting nothing more than to be as close to her as possible.

Coretta's body tensed in response to his question, but as he held her tighter, she slowly relaxed into his embrace. The fiery gaze in his mismatched eyes gradually softened, replaced with a deep affection as he looked at her.

"I missed you every morning and every night of the day that passed. All I wanted was to be here again by your side," he confessed, the force of his emotions evident in his words. His hold tightened around her midriff, unwilling to let her go.

As he held her close, Coretta's curiosity got the best of her. "W-Who are you?" she asked, her voice shaky with apprehension. Though she felt safe within his embrace, she couldn't help but feel a pinch of fear at the unknown identity of the man behind her.

For a moment, he remained silent, lost in his thoughts as he grappled with how to answer her. The sounds of war could be heard stifled in the distance, but all he could focus on was the woman in his arms, who had captured his heart.

Finally, he spoke. "I am the Wind," he said softly, his voice reverent with admiration. "The one whose love for you has driven him to madness. I will do whatever it takes to protect and keep you safe."

Coretta frowned.

"Ah, such a pity! You have forgotten me." He cried; a tint of disappointment laced in the undertone of his deep voice.

Coretta gasped when his cold lips touched the bare skin on her neck, and his large hands crawled under her breasts. She withered softly and wiggled out of his captivity. The weather was chilly, but her body became as hot as a spiking fire.

His breath quickened she could sense it.

"Sir Kushim," a honeyed voice called out, breaking the tense atmosphere around the couple. A man with ginger hair appeared on a black steed, his eyes flickering with attention as he surveyed the couple before him.

"The work is done," he said, a hint of triumph in his voice. "We can take the miss along with us now."

As he spoke, he smacked his lips together, his eyes constricted with a mix of satisfaction and shock.

Coretta felt a shiver run down her spine as she looked at him. There was something about his gaze that made her skin crawl, and she instinctively took a step back, away from him.

But the man on the black steed merely chuckled, as if he found her reaction amusing. He leaned back in his saddle, his gaze flicking between the couple before him.

"Sir Kushim, it has been cleared as commanded," he said, his voice tinted with fear. "And as for you, miss, you have nothing to fear. We're here to help you."

But even as he spoke, Coretta couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The wild atmosphere around them, the ginger-haired man on his black steed, the sense of danger lurking just beneath the surface... it all made her feel like she was walking into a trap, a trap from which there would be no escape.

The ginger-haired man on the black steed finally seemed to realize why the sergeant looked so annoyed by his presence. He had informed them at the wrong time, and now he was receiving a killer glare from his master.

The sergeant's two different sets of eyes flared with anger, and he visibly tensed, his jaw clenched tightly.

Kushim chuckled grimly. "I thought this was going to at least last a little longer, but a hideous cockroach had to ruin the fun," he said, throwing additional hostile daggers at the ginger-haired knight over Coretta's head.

Kushim's hands, which were previously locked around Coretta, were now balled into fists by his side. He was ready to throw a punch at the oblivious scene-stealer. But just as he was about to act, he felt a jolt of electricity coursing through his veins.

"When did you get back?" she asked, her voice trembling. "You were supposed to send me a letter, as you promised."

Kushim's eyes flicked away from her, his expression hardening. For a moment, he looked like he was about to say something, but then he seemed to change his mind.

"It doesn't matter now," he said, his voice low and filled with regret. "All that matters is getting you to safety."

Coretta gasped in surprise and pain, clutching her chest with both hands. She had been so absorbed in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed Kushim's arrival.

Kushim looked at her with concern. "Are you unhappy to see me?" he asked, worried that he had somehow upset her. When she didn't respond, he was scared for a moment that something was seriously wrong.

In the blink of an eye, he crashed her trembling back into his arms, his hard torso slamming against her back as he embraced her. Coretta felt a warmth spreading through her body as she relaxed into his arms. She felt safe and protected in a way she never had before.

But their moment was interrupted by the ginger-haired man's sarcastic comment.

"Sir Kushim!" he gritted out. "The weather is bad for the fragile lady. I think we must head back. I'll just return to the others. Take your time." and left.

Kushim scowled at the man, clearly annoyed by his presence. He turned his attention back to Coretta, his hands still wrapped tightly around her.

"Coretta, are you saddened by my presence? Have I angered you?" Kushim asked, emphasizing each word as he waited for her response.

Coretta felt a pang of guilt as she realized how worried he was for her. 

Kushim's eyes softened as he looked at her. "You are just as beautiful as ever," he said, his voice soft and gentle. "Your hair...they are still as I remembered."

Coretta felt her heart swell with emotion, but she didn't dare to face him. She was afraid that he might hate her too, now that he was of higher status as Duke Ansel's younger brother and had just returned from the military camp.

She sighed bitterly under his touch, feeling conflicted.

As Kushim held her close, Coretta suddenly remembered the thirteen-year-old boy who had always crawled onto her lap whenever she read bedtime stories to him. She realized that the man holding her was that very boy - grown up, responsible, and just as protective and caring as he had been all those years ago.

But the reality was different now. Kushim was no longer a young child, but a grown-up man. Coretta felt a wave of recent memories rush back, memories of when Kushim had left for the military camp, and how she had missed him.

Her heart ached as she realized that they could never go back to the days when he was just a child and she was his caregiver and protector. Things had changed, and she could never go back to those simpler times.

"Are you ignoring me as well? I am sorry I came back too late. I promise I will make them pay. If possible, tear them apart!!" His eyes turned bloodlust.

"No! Never! Please" Coretta whispered.

A cheeky smile painted the military man's face, and he hugged her more comfortably.

"See, it wasn't that hard. Your sweet voice still sounds like a melody to my ear, Retta. I missed you badly." He rattled.

Kushim reluctantly released Coretta after holding her for what felt like an eternity. He quickly turned her to face him, anticipating the smile that would grace her face. However, his spirits were shattered when he was met with a dead expression.

His lips trembled, and his jaws began to tick. "What did they do to you?" he asked with concern etched across his face. "How could they..."

Coretta immediately interrupted him, pushing his thoughts away and mustering up a delicate smile to avoid raising his worries further. She looked at him proudly and scrutinized his military attire with genuine joy. He looked magnificent, clothed in a deep emerald jacket with a white shirt tucked deeply within and dark brown slacks with a gold stripe.

"Wow, Kushim," she said, in amazement, trying to change the subject. "You look impeccable in your military outfit. I can tell that they've trained you well over the years."

Kushim's anger dissipated, and he smiled broadly at her compliment. "Thank you, Coretta," he replied, pleased with himself. "It is good to be back, and I am grateful to be wearing this uniform."

She looked at him. Truly, he was a changed person.

Coretta took a moment to absorb Kushim's appearance. His once light-toned skin had now tanned considerably, and his eyes were deeper, and more expressive than ever. The vertical mark that had run down his cheeks in the past was now a scar that spoke of battles and endurance.

The longer she gazed upon his unfamiliar countenance, the more her stomach turned in sickness. It was as if he had taken on his elder brother's appearance, and this only made Coretta resentful of them for the injustice done to her and her baby.

She dusted the dirt off the two-chevron insignia on his jacket, which signified his high rank. Despite her resentment, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for his accomplishment.

Coretta avoided his intense gaze for a moment, glancing at his mismatched eyes, which he always seemed to despise. She remembered how he had always wished for perfect eyes, but she couldn't help but find his one-of-a-kind eyes striking in their way. "Your eyes are still one of the most unique things about you, Kushim," she said, reassuring him. "They set you apart from everyone else and make you even more special."


"Use me, Retta" He clasped his hands to her shoulder.

"W-What? What do you mean?" She blinked.

"I am prepared for anything. I heard from someone. If you love a person, you must do everything in your power to satisfy the person. Retta, I am ready to satisfy your needs. I am ready to take the dullness out of your eyes. I am ready to love you. No, I have been ready all my life."

A look of great contempt swept across Coretta's face. She faked a laugh and said "You are still immature. I thought the camp would reset your brain, didn't they!! What have they been teaching you, trash?! You want me to use you against your family? Even though I am enraged, I could never. Do you think little of me!! Use you?" her cheeks flushed from anger and annoyance.

"Retta, they are no family of mine!! You are and will become my one and only family. Use me, please. I am the illegitimate son. They will never be called my family." He continued to convince.

A week ago, inside the camp, he had been delivered a letter from an unknown source, and the contents of the letter were the beginning of the Loughty downfall. Years after years, he had envisioned this day to come.

"I am not taking advantage of you!! Please! I need to leave. Return to them, and I am grateful for saving me before I was beheaded. I need some time for myself." She spat.

Grey clouds loomed over Kushim's eyes as he glanced at the woman.

"I just confessed to you, Retta. You are my family now. You were the only person who acknowledged the difference in my body. I will not abandon you. I sneaked out and escaped from the camp not to be fruitless, but to get you on time. I cannot..."

Coretta's eyes widened in shock and her voice hissed out involuntarily. "You what?!" She rolled her eyes and warned him, "I have heard that the escape from the camp is like a journey to hell. I expected more from you, not this foolishness in front of me. Do you think that just because I accepted you, I'll accept this sick madness of yours? Or have you forgotten the incident that happened five years ago? Do you want me to remind you of the atrocities you and your family created? You are beasts, and none of you deserve mercy."

Coretta's breathing became hoarse as she continued to speak, her voice filled with anger. "Since I set foot in here, I have endured everything, be it pain, humiliation, or cheating. I conquered them without anyone's help, and the first person I thought was my friend betrayed me too!"

She gasped for air before continuing, "Kushim, for my sake, return before anyone faces the consequences of your actions." She wondered if the ginger-haired man was forced to tag along because Kushim she had known for four months could be capable of such a bully.

Kushim adjusted his attire, and with a crooked smile on his face, he responded coldly, "It's too late. I have made up my mind to take you with me, willingly or not." He added firmly, "And I will do it."