With towering mountain peaks and tumultuous rivers strewn with hazardous boulders, a contingent of fearless soldiers strode resolutely toward the captain's chambers. Their steps echoed thunderously, but their determination drowned out any other sound on the vessel. The captain, an unwavering figure with reddened skin, stood firm against the aggressive assault of an unidentified adversary. He was committed to safeguarding his crew and leading them to their intended destination without harm.

In a crisis, Tillian Cowy, a corporal from the sergeant's team, quickly sprang into action and assumed control of the weathered wooden rudder. He expertly maneuvered the ship, directing the fragile captain to the side of the hull with a steady and meticulous hand. Cowy's dedication to detail and unwavering focus was evident as he skillfully navigated the treacherous waters, avoiding any potential hazards. With his trusted crew by his side, Cowy ensured that the captain was safely transported back to his cabin. His exceptional navigational skills and remarkable precision in handling the situation underscore his extensive training and experience as a seafarer.

The sky, which was once ablaze with radiant light, had now transformed into an ominous vortex of thunderstorms, signaling its impending arrival with deep grey clouds and rumbling thunder. 

The tranquil atmosphere was suddenly shattered by a deafening clap of thunder that echoed through the air. The sailors, sensing the impending danger, quickly gathered around the sergeant and his men, forming a protective circle. The sky grew darker by the minute, and the wind started to howl like a pack of wolves. The waves grew larger and more violent, crashing against the sides of the ship like a battering ram. The sailors held on tight, bracing themselves for the fierce storm that was about to unleash its wrath upon them.

Coretta stirred from her slumber as the sailors' earsplitting squabble echoed through the ship. She struggled with her arms and let out a long yawn with her cracked lips revealing a glimpse of her white teeth. With her eyes wide open, she gazed suspiciously around the quarterdeck, her sharp gaze resembling that of a shepherd dog. Suddenly, a fanatic peal of thunder pierced through the darkened sky, its deafening sound reverberating through her ears and sending shivers down her spine.

"Brace yourselves! The storm is gaining strength. We must raise the sailcloth!" urged the sailor, his voice echoing across the deck as he gestured to the towering main mast.

"Raise the sail!"

"I repeat, raise the sailcloth!"

The gusty wind blew fiercely, making it difficult to steer the ship. To protect the crew and passengers from the forceful wind, the sail was hoisted up to a great height, casting a shadow over half of the vessel. The sail acted as a barrier, shielding the ship from the harsh wind and reducing the impact of the tumultuous sea.

Coretta's heart sank as she frantically scanned the entire deck, searching for Kushim amidst the violent storm. The crew was soaked and struggling to secure the sail against the raging wind. It was a moment of high stakes, where every second counted. With her voice shaking, Coretta called out for Kushim, hoping to hear his reassuring response. 

The rain started to pour furiously from the clouds. The heavens split like an aggressive wild animal. The ship lurched over the collapsing sea and against the wind, creaking and groaning with every movement of the monstrous waves.

Epidemic darkness infiltrated the sky as a sonic boom of thunders arose, wagering ceaseless threats to the humans beneath.

Amidst the roars of men, bolts of lightning and thunder crashed down, drowning out their shouts. The rain poured like a barrage of bullets, obliterating everything in its path.

Despite the pain from her bound hands and legs, Coretta valiantly dragged herself across the deck. From head to toe, she was drenched and bedraggled, but her determination never wavered.

The weight of hopelessness bore down on her as the rain poured in sheets, drenching her to the bone. But amidst the deluge, Kushim emerged, a figure of strength and protection. His armor gleamed in the rain, a shining beacon of hope in the darkness. With a steady hand, he shielded her from the storm, his presence a calming force amid chaos.

As she tasted something metallic, her face twisted in disgust. She let out a puff of sighs, but even as she grew more and more tired, her cheeks remained lifted and blooming. Her expression was twisted, and her eyes were fixed in a sidelong glance, making her look like a statue that had been brought to life.

 "How could you run off somewhere and leave me all locked up? Why bring me here if you are going to leave me behind!! Do you even have any idea of my fears for the storm? I looked around for you, Kushim, but you were nowhere in sight!! This is redundant!" She was very angry.

As the young man stood there listening, he noticed the way her lips quivered, and her eyes darted around nervously as she ranted. When she finally finished, he approached her slowly, his footsteps muffled by the rough wooden planks beneath his feet. He draped the weathered leather blanket over her shoulders, feeling the weight of it in his hands. It was a gift from the captain, a precious treasure that he had earned for his bravery. But as he looked at her, he knew that she needed it more than he did.

"Retta, there's no need to be afraid. This storm is just a minor setback, a mere distraction that will pass in a couple of hours," he said, confidently reassuring her.

He squatted down to her spot, and leaned closer, breaths against breaths, and nose clashing together. As Kushim moved closer to her, Coretta's eyes widened in surprise. She could feel his breath on her face as he attempted to kiss her. However, the revulsion she felt was palpable, and she quickly turned her head to the right, avoiding his lips. Her expression was one of disgust and discomfort as if she couldn't believe what had just happened.

The sound of his deep, raspy voice cut through the deafening noise of the raging storm, causing her to turn her head in his direction. His urgent tone conveyed the gravity of the situation, and she knew she had to respond with conviction. However, her mind was blank, and she couldn't come up with a suitable answer. She felt a sense of panic rising within her, as the storm raged on relentlessly.

"You needn't worry, as I assure you that I won't exceed my boundaries. Alas, some unresolved tasks are holding me back, like chains of steel. I cannot loosen these shackles until I have completed them all. Please bear with me, dear Retta, and wait for my return."

He gracefully moved to the back, making sure to leave ample space for her.

Coretta gritted her teeth. "Unlock me, Kushim. I am not a prisoner," she said, feeling embarrassed by the way he was treating her despite their previous relationship as sister-in-law.

Kushim spoke with confidence, his gaze unwavering as he looked at Retta. "But you are my prisoner," he said, his tone firm but not unkind. He lifted his finger to his sculpted chest, his muscles bulging with each movement. "You will forever hold the key to my heart, Retta," he continued. "From this day forward, tomorrow, and for all eternity."

His eyes bore into Coretta's, intense and unyielding. As he poured out his heart, she held her breath, waiting for the usual feelings of beguilement, flush, and excitement to bubble up inside of her. But instead, a wave of coldness washed over her, as if her heart had been encased in ice. It was a feeling she had never experienced before, and it left her feeling empty and alone. She longed for the warmth of someone who would set her heart ablaze and fill her with joy, not this frigid emptiness.

"Excuse me, sir. The captain has requested your attention," Callisto, the ginger-haired, interjected.

"I'll be there in a minute," Kushim said. Callisto nodded in understanding. 

As Callisto's eyes fell upon her, the woman who had caught the sergeant's attention, he was left in awe of her rare beauty. The sight of her left him gobsmacked, his cheeks flushed and his heart racing. It was no wonder that the sergeant was smitten with her.

A memory then struck his mind. She looked familiar. Yes!! No wonder. She was the woman in that painting.

He was always fixated on that image - an untitled portrait that invaded his dreams with relentless persistence. Its allure was undeniable, and he felt compelled to find a way to uncover the secrets hidden within its brushstrokes. For he knew that once he did, he would hold the key to unlocking something truly extraordinary.

He was struck by a single thought and couldn't shake it off. It was her that consumed his mind, her that was the main purpose of his distraction. While the other men at their camp found pleasure in the company of the female natives, he found himself lost in the painting. The painting depicted a stunning woman with siren eyes and a face that could make any man go insane. As the celebrations wound down, he would drink with the portrait, while others mistook his preferences.

The experience happened when Calisto was merely seventeen years old, and he accidentally came across the painting. The beauty of the painting was too much to resist. 

"And what the hell are you fascinated about!! Why are your cheeks red, Callisto? Are you lusting for my woman!!"


Calisto's eyes fixated on Coretta's stunning beauty, but his stare was cut short when the sergeant's penetrating gaze landed on him like a bolt of lightning. The heavy rain pouring down did little to obscure the sergeant's red eye, which was bulging with rage, and the veins in his face seemed about to burst. Calisto knew he had to act fast to defend himself and quickly spoke up. "Sir, I want to clarify that I was only admiring her beauty and had no other intentions."

"Admiring her beauty, you freak!! How old are you to be fascinated by another person's woman? Aren't you ashamed, boy!" Kushim heartlessly attacked. His blood boiled concurrently. He lashed out at him, questioning his morality for admiring someone else's partner. He insinuated that it was a shameful act, leaving Callisto feeling belittled and embarrassed.

"I... S-sir, I did not think...I..." Callisto choked on his muddled words and started coughing hoarsely. He continued. "I apologize for my mistake, Sir. However, I assure you that it was unintentional. I accept full responsibility for my actions, and I am prepared to take necessary measures to rectify the situation." Callisto spoke with a firm tone, determined to make things right. He coughed briefly but continued to maintain his assertive stance.

"Kushim, do you not care for your subordinates? The poor boy choked because of you." Coretta yelled at him. It was the third time that day. He was worse than when he was still a child. 

Kushim's voice was laced with anger as he spoke. "Did you not see the look he gave you? It was as if he was a predator, fixated on his prey. But you are not prey, you are mine, and I will not tolerate anyone who tries to take advantage of you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I am not going to let anyone come between us. He needs to know that his actions are not acceptable." he stated, his fists clenched tightly in frustration.

"Please leave," she sighed, with a hint of urgency in her voice. "The captain is waiting for you. You wouldn't want to keep him waiting, would you?"

"Retta, I understand that you are still upset with me, but how long will you stay angry? I promise to make it up to you later. Alright, I'll go now." With those words, he left with Calisto, his head slightly lowered.

Coretta frowned deeply as she watched him go, but in the very next moment, her lips curled upward into a smile. She held a key in her hand, jiggling it slightly as she savored the sense of satisfaction that followed his departure.