Chapter Sixteen

"They are..'rumours'." Olivia began.

"About the house?" Beatrice asked while shifting uncomfortably, she was feeling unease.

"Close." Olivia said while taking another sip of her hot beverage. "About a ghost boy who lived in the house. His cries were heard every night about five years ago. A family just like you guys moved in a year later, but none of them made it out."

"That's..interesting." Beatrice fidgeted on her chair. "Isn't weird that you sound almost like you believe the tale?"

"Just wait till I'm done." Olivia said before a grin swept across her face. "Actually, freaking people out like this is...kind of my thing. And I don't mean in a..."

"Could you please just stick to the story?"

"Sorry, my bad. The knack for it just kicks in and I..."


"Yeah, sorry." Olivia apologized before taking a deep breath to calm her excitement. "No one could really tell what happened to them. They just sort of..well, vanished. Two years ago, another family moved in."

"Please tell me they made it out."

"They didn't last three days, same with the former."

"Highly encouraging." Her sarcastic tone clearly evident.

"The boy's cries were replaced by awful screams every night, and they increased with every human that gets lost in there. A little mob tried breaking in last year when they couldn't withstand the voices.."

"And I guess they didn't make it out either?"

"Not a single one did. And as supposed, the screams got pretty intense. Other inhabitants moved out to the western part of town, only the Thompsons stayed."

Beatrice tapped nervously on the table with her index finger, as Olivia sipped her coffee. This was hard to process. She lived in a haunted house with her family. Problem is; it's not just one, but a whole lot of negative spirits. But why was her family not affected when the usual timeframe was way past?

If the ghost was real, why did it keep them alive till this point? Could it want something from them?

She shivered at the thought.

"Why did you never mention this?"

"Simple sweetie, you didn't ask."

Beatrice was fuming, but did her best to contain her anger.

"Could you do me a favour?"

"Depends, let's hear it."

"I need another house," Beatrice said, peering into her eyes to ensure her words sank. "Now."