
I am currently just a tool for Otis's pleasure. He can use me whenever he wants. He can do whatever he wants with my body. I am his personal sex doll. This is what he has made me into, but I like it. (He is a great master.)

As Inerva is being taught this in a slow-paced manner, she is becoming deeply devoted to Otis. She enjoys serving him, even though it causes her pain.

"Fugi♥ Heiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"

Inerva's actions were unanticipated, as she found herself involuntarily moving her hips and emitting a sound resembling that of a pig.

She was reprimanded by a male individual named Otis. In this scenario, her actions aligned with the instinctual behavior of a dominant male suppressing the female, leading her to submit obediently and experience a momentary climax.

-- Zuchu! ! Pa-chun! Pa-chun!

As the cock moves back and forth, a substantial amount of vaginal fluid drips out of the maid, washing away any evidence of her virginity.