Who killed them?

Nora continued to speak while staring at the bride and groom, so she didn't catch the look of anger on Alexa's face.

"... Indeed, his strategy worked. After he bought one of the giant fast food companies in Mainland, the board of directors and employees want him to become the next CEO," Nora explained. "So that's about it."

To Nora's surprise, there was no reply from Alexa. She turned her head only to see her friend glaring daggers at the Clintons who seem to be in a heated argument.


" ... "

"Alexa!" Nora nudged her. When she finally got her attention, she queried, "what is going on with you? Did the Clintons do you wrong? You look like you want to kill them!"

Alexa shook her head, "It's nothing." Shame and guilt didn't make her tell Nora about the condition her family was in. She rushed down to Sky City to cool her head and come up with plans to get her family's company back. She didn't think that she would fall right into her enemy's lair.

Alexa was too busy listening to Nora and her inner thoughts that she failed to know what had transpired between the Clintons. Suddenly, she saw the bride run to the foot of the altar in an attempt to speak to Aiden who didn't seem to have uttered a word since.

"Aiden, I know you've always wanted my happiness. This is where my happiness lies. Please, beg your grandfather not to make it difficult for us. I promise it won't change our friendship. I'll always be your– "

At that moment, a thunderous cry erupted from the white-aired old man standing among the Clintons.


From her seat, Alexa could see the old man turning red from fury. His bloodshot gaze swept through the front seats and he pointed his cane at his target— a middle-aged man who was occupying a few seats away from him.

"Wilfred, is this what you taught your children? To steal everything from my grandson? Until when do you and your children want to stop bullying him?!"

Wilfred rose from his seat to speak but Chairman Clinton turned away from him and focused his eyes on another old man.

"Richard, what is the meaning of this? My grandson and I need explanations!"

"Chairman Clinton, I'm as shocked as you are. My granddaughter is not a child anymore. Since she has made up her mind, we older generation cannot do much about it, isn't that right? Clinton?" The old man's light tone probably irked Chairman Clinton and he flew into a fit of rage.

"Your family connived with those evil creatures to humiliate my grandson and you say you're making light of the situation?!" the old man thundered.

Monica's grandfather frowned and lectured, "Chairman Clinton, I understand that you're upset, but Aaron is also your grandson. The Clintons are not losing out no matter who marries my granddaughter. We're still going to remain your company's biggest investors. Nothing has changed." Monica's grandfather paused to look at Monica and Aaron who were standing shoulder to shoulder and even holding hands.

Ignoring the scowl on Aaron's face, he said, "See, they are in love. You should stop forcing them apart. Even though you don't like Aaron, at least let him get this happiness for once in his life. All he does is to slave away his life for the company while your dearest grandson seeks fun and pleasure everywhere. You should have consideration for Aaron too and not favor just Aiden!"

"Wh– what? You– cough! Cough!" Chairman Clinton couldn't find words. He was so furious for getting schooled by an outsider that he almost coughed out blood.


The other members of the Clinton family all surrounded the old man but he was too angry to accept their care. "Get away from me, you snake!" He shove his daughter-in-law away and pointed his quivering cane at Monica's grandfather. Just as he was about to fight back, a soothing voice that carried a tinge of laughter drifted into everyone's ears, cutting through the rowdiness that even Alexa couldn't help but shift her gaze to the owner.

"Grandpa, it was just a rejection, it's nothing serious." Aiden said while walking down the altar at a leisure pace, one hand in his pocket. "Why are you so angry? If you suddenly develop a heart attack, what will happen to me?"

His voice was light. If Alexa wasn't there to witness it herself, she wouldn't have believed someone could be this easy-going, forgiving, and understanding.

"I still can't believe this is real," she whispered.

"What's not real?" Nora questioned.

"Aiden. How is he so easy-going and understanding? Despite everything, he still looks so calm and relaxed. I can't be in his shoes. I'd be sending those cheating duo to the depths of hell in the next minute."

Nora chuckled lightly. "This is nothing. He has gone through much worse. There was one time he attended a party for the elites. He was humiliated so terribly that I cursed the perpetrators to die when the videos made the rounds on the internet. His grandmother had a heart attack when she saw the videos. Even after everything, Aiden chose forgiveness. However, a few days later, karma bit those bad guys in the butt and they died tragically abroad."

Alexa shifted her gaze to Aiden, a subtle frown resting on her brows as she asked, "Who killed them?"