Public display of affection

"Was that a public display of affection? For a second, I thought the couple weren't people I happened to know."

Alexa and Aiden spun their heads in the direction of the booming voice. Walking over was a young man and young woman. The man had almost the same appearance as Aaron and as for the young woman, she was about 23– 24 years old.

Her impeccable makeup and sexy black gown enriched her flawless olive skin with cool undertone. She almost seemed like the perfect model.

The guests turned in their direction. Of course, they couldn't afford to miss the drama that was about to unfold.

Alexa frowned slightly. She had no idea who the lady was, but could tell that the guy may be Aaron's brother as they had some resemblance.

"Anyway, congratulations. My brother can now have Monica all for himself. I'm relieved."

"Thank you," replied Aiden with his usual smile.

"Don't mention," the young lady gracefully waved her hand as though she was shooing a fly, "now that you're married, you should stop living with Grandfather and move into the mansion. It is already embarrassing enough that you settled down with a lowlife. If the city finds out you and your so-called wife are still living under grandpa's roof, our family would make headlines again. Such dramas don't help my name."

Alexa's eyes frosted over. From how condescending the lady sounded and with how she addressed Aiden, Alexa believed the lady to be Talia, whom Nora told her about earlier.

"I apologize if my marriage inconvenienced you. You can take it up with Grandfather if you're dissatisfied. Can we adjourn this meeting? I have to be with Grandfather right now," Aiden smiled.

The guy who looked like Aaron scoffed and drank from his glass. He looked bored and it felt as though the least place he wanted to be was at the party.

They are so disrespectful!

Alexa's eyes squinted. According to Nora, Mr. Wilfred has three boys and a girl. She had met the others except Seth. Which means, the arrogant wallflower should be Seth.

"Oh, you want to go to Grandfather..." Talia chuckled and moved out of Aiden's way, "you should leave immediately and carry the feeble old fool on your back before he falls on his face and die," the unconcealed sarcasm from her tone made Alexa's stomach burn with fury.

Yet, Aiden didn't look annoyed. With an unwavering smile, he questioned, "Why do you think that way, Talia? Grandfather is still so strong and healthy. Do you want to jinx him?"

"Hahahah… do I need to jinx him? He's already a weak old cargo who should be dead already. I won't be surprised that he accidentally consumes poison or fall off the roof, credit to his weak eyesight."

"What are you talking about?" Aiden's smile was replaced by a scowl.

Talia gasped dramatically, "Omo, you can scowl too? I thought by default, you can't frown. I should respect your curiosity," she stepped forward and stood in front of Aiden. Even with her heels, Aiden was still a head taller than her.

"Only a blind and hopeless person would find you likable, which is why I'm not shocked that Grandfather and this worthless moron of a woman likes you," she gave Alexa a scornful look.

Filled with Indignation, Alexa voiced her thought, "How old are you? You aren't being a savage right now, you're displaying a childish trait. Can you perhaps hide that jealousy behind your hair until after my day? Thinking you can provoke my husband to do something beyond his character needs more wisdom but unfortunately, you're unworthy and unfitting for wisdom."

The guests gasped and some chuckled. Of course, that didn't sit well with a proud person like Talia. She raised her hand and was about to land a slap on Alexa's face when Aiden stepped in-between.


The forceful slap fell on his shoulder. Talia and others were struck dumb by shock for a moment– no one expected Aiden to protect his wife with his body.

Alexa, who was protected had her eyes wide like saucers. Never in a million years would she believe that Aiden would do that for her. Suddenly, Aiden's soft and soothing voice glided into her ears, jolting her out of stupor.

"Talia, she's my wife now. You can't lift your hand against her. Otherwise–"

"Otherwise, what?" Talia stared him down with defiance. Just now, she was shocked he took the hit for his wife. However, she never regretted it. In fact, she had been meaning to smack his good looking face for a long time. Took bad she only hit his shoulder.

"... Grandfather wouldn't like that," Aiden concluded.

"Pttf!" Talia stifled a laugh, "grow some spine and stop leeching off of Grandfather. It is more than shameful that a 35 year old man like you cannot boast of any achievement… scratch that, you can certainly boast of marrying a gold digging bitch from the slum. It fits you perfectly…tueh!" she spat and gave them a disgusted look before sauntering away with Seth.

Some people among the guest sneered at the couple while others looked away and continued what they were doing before.

Aiden and Alexa watched the trouble makers leave before he turned to Alexa, "Are you okay?" he queried.

Alexa looked at him. Is he worried that the insult made her feel bad?

"I'm fine. Are you okay?" she brushed his shoulder– the place Talia's hit landed on.

"It's nothing. I'm sorry that my family keeps disrespecting you again and again. It's my fault for not being able to protect you."

"Honestly, I can protect myself. I'm not a weakling, I can fight back."

He shook his head, "Everyone has a mouth to talk back, but do you have the power to back your mouth? What if you answer back and she marks you as her enemy? When she starts to bully you both publicly and privately, what can you do to defend yourself?"

"I– "

Alexa couldn't find a comeback. Indeed, with power comes ego. Someone like Talia, when disrespected, would do anything and everything just to see that person crawl before them.

However, to Alexa, taking care of Talia would be a piece of cake. Many people owe her favors in the Mainland. All it would take was just a phone call. But on second thought, she wouldn't want to risk her identity coming out there just for the sake of taking down an unworthy person.

And who knows, she may need the help of those people for something greater in the future, so, it was better not to waste the strength of a professional blacksmith on making a dull sword for Halloween play when the country is facing war threat.

"I was wrong," she apologized.

"It's ok. Since you choose to marry me even after knowing I'm incapable, you have to bear with how I live and don't cause trouble. I hate to be a widower." He glanced around the place and waved a servant over. The servant arrived with a tray of drinks. Aiden took one glass and handed it to Alexa, then instructed, "don't move away from here. I'll be right back."

Alexa took the glass from him with a faint smile and nodded, "ok."

Just as he was about to leave, she pulled his hand and stopped him on his track.

"What are— "

He didn't get to finish when she pulled him down by the collar and planted a soft kiss on his lips, "I'm alone here, don't be late."

Aiden nodded before hurrying out of the hall. However, after he vanished through the door, trouble came calling.