Mike's impending doom

Alexa was the catalyst who entered her life and changed her mind-set. After she made Alexa her inspiration, she started to do extremely well in class, and due to that, she came across Mike, an unserious playboy who wanted her knowledge in exchange for extra cash.

The offer was great. Mike would give her money and she'd do his assignments, projects, and tests. With that, she was able to get by in the prestigious Mainland University.

Nora didn't know how and when she started to have feelings for Mike and it so happened that he felt the same way for her. One time, he invited her to his apartment to do his project for him.

Nora wasn't naive, she knew the playboy was up to something, but went anyway, after all, she'd fallen helplessly in love with him. The visit turned out to be an avenue for him to ask her out on a date.

Of course, Nora happily agreed. That evening, Mike professed his affinity for Nora and the two agreed to be in a relationship.

That night, when he pounced on her, Nora discovered why he was, "The ladies man." No one had ever taken her or made her feel good like Mike did. Ever since, the two had been together.

When Nora started to see red flags she couldn't tolerate, she broke up with him but her sex life was already ruined. Mike taught her that sex was supposed to be wild and adventurous instead of the traditional love-making.

No one else could pound her like Mike did, which made her start running back to him. Knowing that she couldn't leave, Mike started to get worse each day.

Due to his flippancy with life, no company agreed to take him. Taking advantage of the affinity Manager Klein had for her, Nora got Mike a job in CG.

Mike thought he could get a job in the same department as her, but Manager Klein didn't want that, so he threw Mike into the project management department.

Even though Mike had a job, a dutiful woman who was bound to him for life, a home, and all the essential things that humans needed, he wasn't satisfied– he wanted more, which included for Nora to quit her job and get pregnant for him– reason for their fight that morning.

While Nora was brooding over her messed up love life, Alexa returned from the bathroom to meet her looking like a drowned chick. She didn't stop to ask what the matter was and just went straight into the guest room.

Alexa opened her luggage and picked out a black dress. After putting it on, she let her dread fall on her shoulders and touched her face with a light make up to make her look pale, as though she was affected by the old man's death.

Once she was done putting up a facade of an ideal granddaughter-in-law, she picked up her designer handbag. She was about to put it on when she paused. Wouldn't they suspect her identity if she had on something so expensive? Her dress was already expensive-looking enough. Good thing she was never a fan of known luxury brands, otherwise, how would she have been able to pull it off?

Alexa took the hand bag and her luggage and left the room. Arriving at the sitting room, Nora got up and said, feeling awkward.

"Are you leaving so soon? I thought you would..." Remembering the embarrassing situation from last night and this morning, she swallowed what she wanted to say and changed the topic. "There's a snowstorm and you won't be able to get a ride so early."

Alexa smiled, "I'll borrow your car. I'll have someone send it back once I get there."

"Don't worry, let the car stay at your place for now. I'll take public transport."

Alexa wanted to ask her why, but seeing Nora's reddened eyes, she took back her question and nodded, "That will do too. Ehm, can we do a handbag swap? I don't want them to start having doubts when they see me with such an expensive bag."

Nora closed the distance and observed the bag closely. "If I'm not mistaken, this is the latest bag from 'House Of Sunlight', a design made by Dark Klent herself."

"It is. I'm willing to swap if for any handbag you have that is below $50."

Nora gasped, "You must be insane. If I remember correctly, the bags were sold for $6000 each and only had five produced. I can't accept such a trade. Why don't you sell it online and buy less expensive ones with the money?" seeing that Alexa was considering it, Nora concluded, "don't worry, I have a few affordable and beautiful bags. You should choose anyone from them. You can return it if you don't find it comfortable."

"I'll go with your suggestion then. Thank you," Alexa opened the bag and dug her hand into it. She frowned as she continued to ransack the bag.

"What are you searching for?"

"My money."

Nora frowned, "Are you sure you kept it in there? Why don't you search your luggage?" While saying that, she joined Alexa and both started searching for the money, but to no avail.

"How much was it?"

"Five bundles of 100 dollars."

"Oh my..." Nora's voice suddenly trailed off as her mind thought of someone. "Mike!" she bolted up and dashed into her bedroom.

"Where is the money you took from Alexa's bag?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't you dare lie to my face! I know you. I have been keeping quiet all these while because it was my money and it wasn't much. I swear to God, if you don't bring that money out this instant, I'll call the cops!"

"Well, I spent it already. She's your friend, you can– "


Alexa winced when she heard the loud slap that resounded in the house. Although she didn't see it, she was very sure that her palm and five fingers would show on his face.

"Nora!!!" his thunderous voice boomed.

Alexa took a step forward, afraid that Nora might be beaten, but when she heard her screeching cry, she stopped in her spot.

"You bastard! Don't you have any shame left in you? I know you still have the money, bring it out this instant!!"

"Fine, you don't have to be this angry. It's a small amount for your friend, anyway... Here, take it and get lost."

"This is far from over, Mike. I'm so disgusted and I'm sure Alexa feels worse."

"Who cares what she thinks?"

"Shut up, you fool. Soon enough, you'll remember this day and wish you never offended her, mark my words."

Nora returned with a beautiful black handbag and gave it to Alexa, together with the money without having the courage to look her in the eyes, while saying, "I'm sorry you had to see and go through all this."

Alexa smiled and patted her hand, "I don't blame you, please don't be so embarrassed," If Lucian only stole $50,000 from her, she would have been overjoyed. But the unfortunate being stole all her life and her heart. What's bigger than that?

"I understand." Nora was dying of shame at this point. Mike used to steal a small amount of money from her, but never in her wildest dreams would she think that he'd do it to their guest. This is too much! She bemoaned.

She hoped that this wouldn't cost her her friendship with Alexa. But if it did, she deserved it.

"I hope you'd visit me at the Clintons when you have the time. I wonder what would be left of Aiden now that his beloved grandfather is dead," Alexa sighed and patted Nora's shoulder, "I'll give you a call once I get home."