Extracting confession

Alexa coughed for a long time as angry tears poured ceaselessly from her eye sockets. She understood that he was like this because his grandfather was killed, but treating her so unjustly when he should have known the real culprit made her furious.

"Ev- even if you kill me, keough…! It won't change the truth you're blind to. I didn't kill your grandfather!"

"Then why the hell was your fingerprints found on him, the machine, and drip?!"

Stunned, Alexa stared back at him and asked with quivering lips. "W– what, what did you say?"

"You tell me, Alexa. I believed you were innocent until the fingerprints found on him belonged to you."

"How was that possible?" she asked in utter dismay.

"Are you asking me?"

"Tell me what the fuck happened! How the hell did my fingerprints get there?!"

Not getting a reply from the man that was only just staring at her made Alexa very frustrated.