The threat

"C– COO?" Sophia's knees buckled up and she lost her balance and her knees hit the floor. She was in a state of shock as she could not believe she just unknowingly offended the new COO her boss told her about. He had a plan for her and she was supposed to be the one to execute the plan, but now, she just messed up everything!

She was a dead meat!

One thing amongst many that Aaron hated the most was for his plans to fail and another was incompetency. Knowing what her fate would be like if she left the company, Sophia immediately crawled on her knees and began to kowtow before Alexa, begging her for forgiveness.

Alexa looked at Aaron and asked, "Brother-in-law, are you bullying me? Why are you making it look as if I was the one who wanted her gone? Why aren't you telling her you're firing her in regards to the rules of the company?"