Identity revealed

At the hospital..

In a meeting room with around six people on a circular table, the heads of each department were discussing with the MD when a knock sounded on the door and the MD's assistant hurried in. All inquisitive eyes turned to her, waiting to know what the urgency was.

"Sir, the hospital just received an important patient and I was sent to inform you."

The MD's eyes shone as the white-haired old man sitting in the middle asked with interest. "Who's the patient and from which family?"

"She's was brought in by Aiden Clinton..."

"You mean the Late Clinton's grandson, that useless thing?" the first HOD queried with a frown.

"Ye..." the assistant didn't know how to respond to that. The Clintons are one of the richest in the city. Shouldn't they be treated as VIPs too?

"Fire whoever it was that brought you the news." The MD pronounced with anger in his voice.