Angry Nathaniel

Nora looked away from him only to notice that they've arrived at her gate. In front was Nathaniel standing beside his car with his phone to his ear, while her phone kept ringing. He must be the one calling her, she thought.

"Thank you for the ride, Mr. Talford, I'll alight from the car."

Talford suddenly stepped on the brakes and stopped the car. She tried to open the door and get down but the door was locked. She looked at him, wondering what he was doing.

The door clicked and she pushed it open and got down. Walking to the back seat, she took her bag and bowed slightly to him by the window before half-walking and half-running towards Nathaniel.

Talford watched her walk away before he took his phone and called Aiden. After a few rings, the call connected and he said, "She can be trusted." With that said, he ended the call and put the phone away before driving off.