Naughty boy, Aiden.

Arriving in the sitting room, Aiden was not there, except for the servants doing their chores.

"Good morning, Ma'am," the greeted and Alexa returned the greeting,

"Morning. Have you seen my husband?" she inquired.

"Yes, Ma'am, he's in the kitchen."

"Oh," her lips thinned with a smile, "thank you," she turned and headed for the kitchen.

Not long after, she began to perceive the aroma of something delicious. Alexa's heart swam in ecstasy as her stomach protested, begging to be fed: she didn't eat lunch and dinner yesterday. At the thought, she doubled her steps.

Getting to the entrance, she saw Aiden stirring something over the stove. Two maids stood around in case he needed something.

Alexa's smile widened and she tiptoed towards him. One of the maids caught Alexa and was about to greet when she placed a finger over her lips, shushing the maid. The other maids noticed Alexa and bowed their heads slightly in greeting.