Killing intent

"If I were pure, you would have had troubles inserting yourself into me and you wouldn't have enjoyed sex the way you did. I would have bled buckets if you had pounded me like you did, was I a virgin." Had she known she would meet Aiden in her life, she would have gladly remained untouched and let him open the package by himself.

"I don't judge you. Just letting you know now that you can't repeat that anymore." He coughed with an underlying threat.

Alexa felt the seriousness in his tone and loved the possessiveness but chose not to dwell on it, especially with her situation.

Aiden saw her mood had changed and he gently squeezed her hand, "Don't be disheartened. I won't give you the chance to repeat that. So, you can swim in pride as you're the first and shall be the last."