Lady Mesh's intentions

Nora stirred awake to find herself still in the room she was before. Her hands were cuffed to the bed while her legs were tied with a silk sash.

She tried to struggle again but the cuff on her wrist was a hassle.

"Lady Mesh, let me out!!... Hello?!... Anyone there...?!"

The door suddenly flew open and Lady Mesh walked in, dressed in a red mesh night robe. "You're awake," she smiled and turned around to address one of the ladies walking behind her. "Order the kitchen to prepare something for her, she must be hungry."

"I don't want your food, let me out!!" she screamed.

The woman paused and looked at her, "Are you sure you're not hungry? I heard you've not eaten since yesterday. How will you hold up if you've not eaten?"

"Locking me in here won't make me your money bag, I refuse to work for you, let me go!"

"Does that mean you've chosen death?" the woman arched her brow, lips curled into a smirk.