Planned out

The man whose eyes were glued to his blazing face, shook his head and replied, "Let women take care of their problems."

Meanwhile, Alexa's rage boiled over, her fists clenched at her sides. Suddenly, she pushed her away and yelled, "How dare you! You're just trying to ruin our lives because you're jealous of what we have!"

Lady Mesh's laughter was a cold, mirthless sound as she strolled back to her seat like a demoness she was. "Jealous? Of you? Never. I'm just trying to open your eyes, Alexa. You're blind to the truth, and it's going to get you hurt."

The air froze with tension, the argument hanging heavy in the air. Alexa turned her head and met Aiden's clear and emotionless face. What more was he hiding from her? How dangerous was his life? The turmoil in her stomach churned.

"Lady Mesh, I think you've said enough. This is getting out of hand!"