Who's the enemy?

Alexa waited until he had exited the sitting room before she called her uncle to apologize. The man didn't take what she said to heart because he knew his niece well. Although their relationship wasn't the best, he knew she would never disrespect him and his family like that. It was all an act; he sensed it, so he played along.

Now that the matter with her father-in-law was settled, Alexa thought of what else to do. She would love to call Talford and Renny but she has no means of communicating with them.

While thinking, her phone rang, it was Nora. Over the phone, Nora was restless as she tried to console Alexa after seeing the news of Aiden's arrest.

But Alexa didn't need that at the moment. She needed to save her husband as soon as possible. At that moment, she thought of someone who may be of help to her, Lady Mesh!