Meeting Lucian

The false peace that swept over the city after 'Den' was jailed, floated on the surface, however, more troubles were brewing in the dark and this, Aiden believed.

"We may have won this time, we can't be sure that there won't be a next time." Alexa voiced her concern as she put food in his plate. "The Devil, or whatever his name is, wouldn't stop at just having you arrested if he knew that we fooled him."

"My people are on it." Aiden replied as he stared at his wife. The troubles she went through to save him from the authorities when his power failed, baffled him. He didn't know that she could be this useful… Scratch that. He didn't know until now that she was this lovely.

"How reliable are they?" She looked up at him, her brows knitting into a frown. "They couldn't help you when you needed them the most, rather, they almost got themselves implicated." She looked away and began to serve herself.