Infinity Collision

Scientists believed that this only happen once in a million years because galaxies are billions of light years away from each other that it's impossible for it to really occur. The collision made a big impact that Andromeda Galaxy is now nearer than it was before that we can reach its planets comfortably which is pretty amazing. Now 500 planets are awaiting our scientists' observations and experimentations much more begged to discover one by one soon.

Class is beginning to be a bore and as months turn into a year, we are really getting in depth serious about protecting earth and the people now than when we first decided to enroll in the academy. I was really naïve to think that this is just for fun or having that fantasy of becoming a hero and all but I was wrong. This responsibility is not that fun nor heroic but dangerous and stupid, really, when you come to think of it! Haaa!, Ericka thought and looked at Ren who is trying to write something on her notebook while thinking why I was looking at her all this time.

After studying about the thousands of types of bacteria, virus and tiny creatures lurking in our air, water and the world, I think what's most dangerous are the uncontrollable desires and lust of human beings. I always see this boy walking to school every day. He is neat and smart looking and as if he can't hurt a person or kill a fly. But since I am used to filth and horrifying things moreover the slimy gloom of darkness in every person, this boy's aura and vibration is so dark as if hell broke loose in him. I got worried when one time he didn't go to school as his usual schedule is walk passed me and Ren when we are sitting in one fo the benches when we it's time for our break in class. 

I heard that the boy was detained since he caused physical injuries on a certain girl he was obsessed about for years now. I know it's pretty sick and the news spread like virus which made parents and the public furious, skeptical. But he is just a ten year old boy who is still in his prime. However, what happened to him why he grew up hating girls or lusting for them made him rape and hurt each girl he fantasizes on?

I wasn't wrong to advice the authorities about him and now I can't get him out of my mind. Maybe I was wrong to report him to the police. Maybe he needed a professional to help him with his issues, mental or psychological. Yet, was I wrong to meddle in his affairs?, Ericka thought and Ren patted her on the shoulder when she didn't hear a thing her friend was talking about.

Hey, what's wrong? I kept on calling your name, you're like miles away from here. Where have your mind gone to tis time? Haha!, Ren added and laughed at me.

Well, do you remember the boy we kept seeing while we were relaxing after break on one of them benches in front of the academy park? Well, he was detained and now facing charges on a certain girl he molested

or whatever which was televised and promoted by the media since yesterday. I feel sorry for him and I wish I could have helped him with his issues, I added feeling sorry for calling the police to investigate on the boy.

Well, Ericka, I think some of the teachers in our elementary school already knew that he was mentally disturbed but they just couldn't find hard evidences to catch him or pin him down. But this time, some victims went to the station to report him for his crimes, so, maybe you helped not only him but also the girls he hurt in the past and the recent one who was just two years old. My God, imagine that! A two year-old being punched and molested by a ten year old boy. That's insane and he is definitely a psycho!, Ren said. They found out that the boy is mentally deranged and that his dad kept sex videos on holodiscs for the kid to feast on when his out for work or whatever. The mom eventually denied the problem but she only made things worse when the boy himself admitted everything he did in the past and the recent reports about molestation.

Haaa…maybe you are right! Maybe I did save him and the girls he was supposed to hurt. Thank God, they found him sooner and helped the girl he was about to rape!, I replied and Ren hugged me for support. It is devastating but this kid called Sean Earl will have to stay at a state children's social welfare facility to be kept and rehabilitated. And maybe sooner or later, he will recover from this nightmare and live a life meant for a child his age. Maybe, and I am hoping against hope he will recover from all the pornographic charade he grew up with. I pray that he may find a new home to help him live a normal and happy family life. I wish that for him and the girls he had hurt in the past and the present. 

Attention DOGS, we have an emergency. BTS and VCS are about to hit the border of the Wet Lands since there have been storms hitting DG-One and other DG districts for a couple of weeks now! Attention, DOGS, Veterans and Newbies, head to the lounge area for the briefings! See you there!, the announcer said on the holoreciever across the academy.