
After Ren and I made out I couldn't look her in the eyes and it is so weird because I like her a lot, but not like what we have done together. It was amazing, the sex, I mean but I don't know it doesn't feel right, yet I felt happy inside. I just can't figure out what's wrong with me so I kind of dropped Ren's calls and tried to avoid her as much as possible. We haven't been talking for a week now and I think Ren got hurt when I deliberately avoided her gaze when she smiled and wanted to say hi to me before class. Her mood changed and mived to sit close with an unknown classmate. He was definitely happy about it, but Ren looked at him and gave him a snob.

 I tried my best to avoid Ren just to figure out how I really feel about her, so, I visited my favorite second family at D'Caffe. Prise is so glad that I came in and asked if I could help out for a bit. I obliged and Lil Tim hugged me tight when he immediately saw me as he was walking in from the front door. Greg laughed in his usual hearty tone and automatically prepared breakfast for me, a plate of sunny side up, bacon and toasts. Dina couldn't help but cry since it's been eight months of training and it's seldom that I visit or work in the café why they missed having me around.

Haha, thank you guys I miss you too!. Mom called that she will be picking me up at the café and we will have do girls stuff today since the academy gave us a three-day rest after exams. Then, when we come back for the last semester of the year, we will be doing technical and physical work like an on the job training but for real since we will be exterminating "bacas" (bacterial monsters) in the Wet Lands which have been wiped out by the military forces during a pandemonium that happened a couple of months ago. These are leakages made by BTS and VRS, the last time we tried to handle them in the outskirts of DG1 borders. So, now is definitely my holiday. But thinking about Rene, she still tried to contact me but when I avoided her in school, maybe she thought that it's time she already gave up and I didn't hear from her again. Yet, destiny has a weird way of making things more interesting. I saw Ren and her friends laughing while walking in the café. This time, I didn't avoid her and kept a steady gaze at her. her eyes met mine and she smiled. I guess things will be awkward from this day onwards, but I want us to still be friends so I smiled back and there we're friends again. But this time, I think, we have this special bond that nobody can ever destroy or change, ever.

Ren texted me and while taking their orders, I gave the tiny paper to Dina and walked inside the comfort room to read her texts. While doing that I heard the door open and didn't care less but the comfort room is for one person only, so when I checked who went in while I was inside the cubicle. I was surprised to see it was Ren and she hugged, kissed me on the lips a and laughed, like she was so relieved I talked to her again.

I thought you won't talk to me again. I was scared that you'll ignore me forever. I love you Ericka!, Ren said. I'm sorry but all this is new to me. So I needed to think and process everything. I still don't know what I feel about you but Is till don't want to lose you as my best friend!, I added and hugged Ren like I didn't want to let go of her. I didn't want to lose you too. I am willing to wait and make you love me just as how I see and love you, Ericka!, Ren said and cupped my cheeks. What are you doing here? You came to check on me, right, hehe!, I replied.

Ah well, I thought that maybe you would come and visit your friends and all, so I was right and now we patched things up and I'm glad we did!, Ren said. We went out of the comfort room and Ren introduced me to her friends. They were her old classmates from abroad and they asked if I can join them for a tour of DG1, yet I advised Ren that my mom is going to pick me up later. It's been a while since I was with mom so I took a pass from the invitation. Ren understood and we will just catch up on line and see again in the academy after three days.

How sad to see parents and children being separated from each other because of work, divorce or 'baca' issues. Being killed or suffering from a loss is what our world is delicately trying to resolve now since it is seriously taking people's minds, sanity off balance. Poverty, wars and climate problems were solved little by little but since wars against BTS and VRS or bacteriums, DOGS and other soldiers alike try our best to eliminate these creatures but as if they keep on springing like mushrooms everywhere but more over in the Wet Lands.

The Dry Lands are almost wiped out of establishments, people and viruses but memories of the old cities we had there before still lingers inside us. What if we could have resolved the issues about these creatures long before they spread like cancer and killed many? What if we protected our environment sooner than waited after many decades to solve climate change issues? What if we never neglected the call of nature and cries, groans of Mother Earth, Gaia, and helped her to save what was left of her dying existence. She was never asking for anything but just to take care of her and her nature. To love and respect her animals, trees, seas and creatures. To make sure she gets the same dignity as we give to our brethren, families, kin or friends. It is sad that some parents or siblings need to work abroad or outside the galaxy for money and opportunity for his or her family's needs and security.