Compete with You

Hihi, OMG, wow, that must have been so nice being kissed by a handsome and romantic genius, Kaori said dreamily. Which Aoi seconded, Ahh…yes and Ms. Lena is that strong queen who wouldn't back down from anyone or anything but only rom her handsome prince who is Sir Dan. Ahhh, haaaayyyyyy!!!!, both girls sighed just as the couple entered the laboratory and the other staff smiled as they seemed blushing and clothes wrinkled and like they just came in from a battle.

Eherm, Lena I will be in my room and if you need me don't hesitate to call!, Dan said in an awkward tone. Lena on the other hand smiled and as her cheeks are flustered, she was baffled and surprised that the staff is still in the office and laboratory. Okay, ladies and gents you can go home now. Just leave the documents and data you have gathered on my desk. See you all tomorrow! Yes, Dan, I'll be seeing you tonight then!, Lena added seriously as her head is down and her eyes closed as if contemplating about the beautiful sex they had just a couple of minutes ago. She smiled back at the man who turned his back at her just as not to see his contentment and heightened desire he has for the lady. He is so heated up, nothing as more excited for tonight.

Hey, Ericka, can I talk to you for a sec?, Ren said catching up with her girlfriend just about to hit the shower along with Hayley. What about?, Ericka smiled as she is taking off her clothes in front of the girl who turned around not wanting to see her girl's unblemished beauty.

Hmm.. it seems you missed want to have sex now?, Ericka said bluntly.

Ah, well, later, but what is about that blue girl I saw you with earlier? She is not of this world, am I right?, Ren said.

Ericka breathed and didn't say anything then went inside the shower room.

She wanted to relax and didn't want anyone to spoil it. She has a lot in her mind now and talking about Dunea will only make her grumpy.

You know that it is against our rule to hide the fact that you are with an alien and you still don't know what her purpose is here on earth. Are you out of your mind?, Ren added and now taking off her clothes too to join the girl in the shower.

Maybe you're just jealous? You haven't touched me for weeks now and it's killing me. Is it bad if I found a friend or maybe more with that girl than I would ever have again with you?, Ericka said being childish while soaking her body with the hot sprinkles of water gushing forth on her.

Ericka, I love you and I want to do it with you but lately you seem out of it, like you are still in search for something or maybe someone, better than me or maybe someone you're truly in love with? I guess. But don't change the topic, please, this is important and you're breaching protocol and national security. You can be court martialed for this?, Ren added and held Ericka on the arms. She pulled the girl and kissed her. Ericka was trying to budge out of her hold and asked to let her go but Ren continued to kiss her. Ericka didn't have a choice but kiss Ren and when the other placed her finger to touch her Ericka pushed Ren away thus biting her lip. Ren's lip tore a bit and blood gushed forth. You bitch, why did you do that?, Ren said angrily. I don't like you meddling with my affairs, Ericka said and left Ren dumbfounded in the shower. Are you serious? You just met that alien and now you trust her more than me? Suit yourself. Good riddance!

Ericka ran out of the shower to her room. Ren and her were roommates but not anymore. She is indeed in big trouble hiding the fact that she met with an alien and she definitely needs to speak to someone about this. She can't keep Dunea a secret for long and UASA and USN would keep the alien hostage if they found out about her fleet. It's all messed up but she didn't want them to find out because Dunea is kind and loving. She is maybe falling in love with the girl. The alien that would be destroying Earth and maybe planning to take over the planet, soon. Yet with this beautiful creature, Ericka couldn't figure whether to trust or believe that she is just here to explore our world. But is it really true or she is just being played or hooked to believe that it's plain exploration and nothing more. Haaa…., Ericka thought and slept without even changing her bathrobe which is still wet. Ren saw her lying in bed still wet. She pulled the girl towards her and changed her clothes from the robe to a comfortable jogging pants and oversized shirt. Ren kissed Ericka on the lips and hugged her. She missed Ericka so much that if she could make love to her now she would do it. But Ericka hates her and maybe it's because of that filthy alien bitch she's been seeing these past few weeks.

Their team is about to leave Majica and they are asked to report to the academy tomorrow morning. I need to talk to that bitch ones and for all!, Ren thought and walked out of the room. Ericka is sleeping soundly, dreaming of Dunea and her on the beach happy and content because they are together.

Hey you there!, Ren shouted at Dunea while she is standing to feel the breeze and the moon's light like caressing her in melancholy.

Haaa…. I believe you are Ren, Ericka's girlfriend?, Dunea replied. I am Dunea, nice to meet you, at last you are here to get to know me, right?

I know who you are, bitch! You are trying to mess up with Ericka and it'll not work on me! What are you and what do you want from us?, Ren said straight forwardly.

Yeah, well, I love explorations and earth is one of the planets our world have been eyeing on to check and mimic. Our world is old and still living but we need to find a way to help it restore its powers but in order to do that we need to have protons and ions large enough to sustain a larger planet than yours. But as I have checked earth, its core is most valuable but your world won't stand a chance if the gravity and fire beneath it would die down. So, it's no use at all for me or my world if yours won't live.

I love your earth and I guess Ericka too. So what will you do about it!?, Dunea as if challenging Ren to fight for Ericka.