No longer Blue

Okay, maybe, we can talk to my superiors about your exploration. Come with us back to the academy and we will escort and protect you regarding your intention to explore our world. I'd be happy to get to know Aurea or Sufi too!, Ren said and smiled, extending her hand to shake Dunea's. Dunea smiled too but dint; know what to do and Ren pulled the other girls hand towards hers and shook it. Hihi!, both giggled.

I see inscriptions on the ceiling and I couldn't understand what the strange letters mean. They are ancient symbols and maybe only an alien can transcribe it for me, Ericka thought and when she turned to check on Ren if she's already asleep…Oh, f*ck you scared the hell out of me! You're still up, why?

Hihi, yes, I was about to but I thought of you and that Dunea girl. You looked good together!, Ren added lying on her bed adjacent to Ericka's bed at the beach house.

So, you met her! Well, great together huh! I don't know about that but she is amazing, that;s for sure!, Ericka said and smiled.

Yes, and she helped stop anther ship who wanted to destroy Majica beach. I don't know their intentions but Dunea and her fleet saved us. So, I think she means no harm and she will come with us to present herself with our head master and the academy!, Ren added.

Do you think it's a great idea? She is an alien and maybe we need to think this through before deciding Dunea to come with us. Ren, I'm scared for her!, Ericka cried sounding worried. Me too, but we have no choice. At least, the academy can support or better yet protect her if she applies to become one of the DOGS and help us to defeat the creatures along with the aliens who would try to destroy us, right? Maybe it's a good idea after all!, Ren replied sounding very positive.

I think you're right Ren, it's a great idea and I'm sure it'll work out just fine! Okay let's sleep, we need to get up early tomorrow!, Ericka added and about to sleep but Ren is still looking intently at her. What?

Nothing, how about a quickie? Hihi, I miss you!, Ren now teasing.

Okay, come here, tiger!, Ericka said and giggled with Ren. Whatever happens remember that I love you Ericka!

Yes, I love you!, Ericka said and shared a kiss then made love sweetly that night.

Good morning?, Dunea said standing in front of Ren and Ericka still snuggled together that made blue girl somewhat annoyed with what she saw.

Is this typical for girls to snuggle and wake up in the same bed as couples?, Dunea a bit jealous.

Ah, Dunea, what are you doing in our room?, Ericka all flustered covering her naked body with the sheet.

Ren, can you explain to me why are you all over my Ericka?, Dunea said as if ordering the girl to explain what just happened between them.

Well, you see, Ericka is my girlfriend! And..., Ren added and Ericka stopped her girl to explain further. It's not what you think Dunea!

What? Ericka?, Ren said surprised with her girl's tone.

Okay, maybe this is just a friendly game between girlfriends. You can teach me this, whatever you're doing when I get accepted in your school! Alright! Let's go sleepy heads. Hurry up before your colleagues are up to head out home!, Dunea said.

Miles, Hayley, Akhmed and Yogi are already awake and ready. They are about to eat breakfast waiting for their two girlfriends Ericka and Ren to join them. But as they sit on the dining table they are shocked to see another girl following Ericka snd Ren. The girl is odd and blue colored. She introduced herself and explained that she is from outer space and decided to explore our world by joining the…the… puppies….of the academy.

Ren whispered and cut Dunea short stating that it's DOGS not puppies she'll be joining as exchange student for Aurea (Sufi) planet. Ren smiled and so did Ericka. Dunea is so serious with her line that she forgot to smile so the rest of the gang laughed saying that she is strange but cute. All had fun except Miles. He feels something is off and this Dunea is always looking at Ericka that made him suspicious. What is Ericka to her and what is her purpose joining the DOGS? This time it's war and when it concerns her Ericka, he won't back down. Not even to an alien and a very weird but beautiful girl called Dunea. Never!