
Mina? what's this about the hairs? And what the hell are you do…????? Ahhh….haaa....., Mr. Udon opened the door and immediately got scared when he saw the girl growing so much hair that the whole room was filled with them. The strands acted as if they have minds of their own. One representative hid from the scary looking strands moving at their own will and picked up the phone to call DOGS academy to help them.

Hello, yes, DOGS, please help us! There are scary moving strands of hair in our place…aahhhhhh, our address is block 2, Udon House of Noodles, in DG-18…hurryyyyyy!!!, the boy shouted and when a strand is trying to enter his mouth, then his eyes and ears , he fled away from them and ran out of the kitchen.

What are you doing? Jax said and laughed at Menace. Ah, sniffing if we can find a nice Udon noodles to eat after the wild sex we did earlier. After all, you told me that the next time we'll go out on a date it'll be your treat! Hehe!, Menace added.

Haaa…you are indeed a DOG! Hihi!....Jax giggled.

Hellppppppppp….us , please, they are catching up on us! Hellppp…., the boy who called the DOGS at the academy is now out of the noodle house and running away he met with Jax and Menace walking coolly towards the food chain.

What the f*ck are you saying? He seems wasted!, Menace told Jax but when the woman sensed a dark vibe around the boy, she looked at Menace with eyes full of worry so the man immediately thought that something is wrong. Indeed, they are right. When they saw numerous customers fleeing the Udon House, both DOGS Flighters ran fast to help them. Jax moved to assist the fleeing customers out of the building. Menace, on the other hand, checked on the parameters and moved quickly when he saw the manager whom he knew from of old since he is a loyal customer of this house for years now. Sensei Udon! Here!, Menace shouted and the man held the Flighters hand to save him. Mina's strands continued to run after Sensei Udon and the other staff, but Menace held on the hairs and took his fire extinguisher from his back pack then turned the button on to emit fire. The strands squealed hurt and Menace was able to free Sensei Udon. Mina's hair and their strands kept on attacking Jax from the left and right, above and below that the DOG fighter couldn't detect the hit since the strands are so quick to fire their knife-like ends.

Ahh… you bitch!, that was my favorite blouse you torned! I'll kill you!, Jax yelled and now Menace followed her to tie Mina's hair. The strands kept on freeing themselves out of the knot but Menace placed a metal chain around the hair so that strands won't grow nor escape. Mina then woke up as if been controlled by something or someone. She looked at me and Jax like she didn't know what happened. Man, talk about demons! Was she possessed or something!?, Jax said and smiled at Menace who fell to the ground feeling exhausted after the battle has won.

Then came DOGS Flighters from another batch came running to assist the couple. You're rather late! Tsk! Here take the girl to the WET facility and she will need to be examined right away!, Jax said and the DOGS Flighters agreed and left.

Since you are here, why not eat my Udon and order whatever you want, it's on the house, hehe!, Sensei Udon all sweaty and flustered said giving us a faint smile.

Haaa….Thanks Sensei!, Menace said and Jax just grinned back at her partner. Ahaahahaha!!!

Kids have been disappearing at DG-24 and a mother is running towards a galactic police (or G-Force) officer who is posted in the districts border. Almost all districts have BTs and VCs facility so that anyone who sees or catches 'bacas' can report to g-forces and contact DOGS to capture or exterminate the creatures lurking usually in the dark or at midnight. These bacteriums or viruses are always present and been in our world ever since earth was created. Actually they are older than humans and ever since planets created themselves through friction, gravity, external or universal forces, these bacterias, slimy and living have been multiplying through-out the course of time. The more the oxygen is emitted the greater they grow and multiply but earth always change every million or billions of years. So it's not unusual for our planet or all planets to change, transform or regenerate just like all life forms in the universe.

Sir, my kids, a boy and girl have been missing. I was just holding their arms as we were about to walk down the pedestrian but when we reached the other side of the road, I seemed to have lost them. And now, I couldn't find them anywhere. Please help me!, the woman said worried and scared. What if the 'bacas' got them, please, sir!

Hang on, ma'am, you said that you were hanging on to them when they disappeared? How can that happen, even if the 'bacas' are present they wouldn't have the chance to capture them without you noticing it!, right?, one of the police said then turning to his partner. Wel, you are correct. But if the baca is transparent, she wouldn't see it outright and might have thought that the creature is just a gust of wind or something nobody can sense even if they tried hard to notice it!, the other g-force officer concluded. Don't worry ma'am we will help you and please leave it to us. We will check the place. Bill, contact the academy to send us flighters to assist in finding her kids, asap. We musn;t lose time or the kids would die if we aren't able to rescue them!

Alright Jasper!, Bill replied and now dialing DOGS academy's number. Hello, yes, this is G-Force Officer 2, Bill Price and Iw ant to speak with Liutenant Jax please!...

Huhuhu…..mama? Where are you?, a little girl is in a dark place looking for her mother. Then a boy hurried to come to her and he's a little older than the girl who is now crying. Sara, I'm here, don't worry, mommy will come for us. I know it! I don't where we are but I think we are inside a 'baca'. Yet I believe that this is just a dream and think of it as a bad dream that we will get out of once mommy rescues us!

Talk about crazy!, this boy is calling about growing hair and strands attacking them, haha!, the agent said to his colleague at the DOGS call center. But what if it's true, man, that would be freaky! Contact Lt. Jax and adviseher about this, the former added. No, Lt. is with Menace lovey-dovey in a hotel what if she nags me for ruining her day off?. Alright then we will send the others!, the other agent cried and sounded the emergency alarm. DOGS flighters came running and Lloyd prepared them then chose the ones who will come with him to DG-18 district. Move out!