Have a little faith

Hmm… I know whatever they say, it'll be for the best and they are good soldiers, highly dependable and skillful, they won't betray nor lie to us intentionally without a reason. I'm sure whatever they are doing, it's for the good of the academy and our world!, Jax replied.

Don't you think, you have been lax in disciplining those kids?, Eco now irritated.

Sir, with all due respects, I am a flighter and I have pledged myself, my life to protecting the world and the people in it. Miles and his team too promised to uphold the truth and sworn to protect not only humans but all life forms, including an alien and that blue girl you're talking about. So, we can't hurt nor take advantage of her for she has her own rights and she is part of USN and UASA, an explorer for Star Fleet. Sufi or Aurea is a neighboring planet along with Andromeda as our galactic ally. We can't touch them nor make war against them since they are friends of the world and our universe! I'll take my leave!, Jax explained and left.

Eco astounded with how much Jax knew about the law and space decrees, he can't help but feel lost since he won't be able to seize nor detain blue girl. That's just a bummer! Tsk! Haa…I guess there's nothing else to do but to use my power, underground, and that's just it! I think those thugs are still in operation in some districts outside DG-1. After all these years, huh, I think they need some cash since mafias and illegal dens are controlled to a minimum nowadays! Hmm….

Ahh…so this is DOGS academy! I am impressed, this is definitely exceeding my expectations!, Dunea said after seeing the Flighters academy in its splendor. Students from all walks of life and even aliens or creatures are happily and confidently walking side by side humans, androids and humanoids. It's just nice to see there are no issues, nor discriminations rising when it comes to color, race, gender, class, nor culture or space affiliations. Everyone is welcome to the school and I feel relieved, safe that as an alien I'm sure I can study and explore this world without issues after all, Dunea thought and looked at Ericka who is smiling at her too.

Since the academy is a state of the art research and navigation center for science, technology, education, engineering and space explorations, the buildings are refined and strong, stronger than iron which can withstand a bomb, meteor or natural calamity such as earthquake, volcano eruption, storm, tornado or tsunami. It is the most sophisticated creation of the genius works of the universe's finest scientists, architects, artists, engineers and physicists, etc. to have made a great structure and powerful symbol since infinity loop happened between Milky Way and Andromeda decades ago. 30,000 A.D.E (after destiny era) is indeed a new era and we are living in a wonderful and magnanimous universe as we see it and as what the visionaries from the past has seen or dreamed of it. 

Eco was more than happy to see the blue girl enter the academy grounds together with Mile's team. Youngsters nowadays can be proud and talks a lot but not act just like smart asses without direction. Though some have a point others are just shallow and none sensible it won't even count as a valid conversation however you try to understand or decipher how they communicate. 

Ava, my sweet and wise Ava, however is, different, she is smart and has a way with words. Maybe she is born a public speaker. That not only is she astonishingly beautiful, she is humble and free spirited…just like this girl ….ah…named Dunea? Hmmm…

 As Eco sat in his swivel chair to check on the new girl's application form…Haaa….she is maybe Ava's niece or sister, or maybe, daughter?

Ava was nineteen years old when I met her at the laboratory. I was still a student for DOGS academy then and was twenty-one and two years older than her. I heard from Ava that she has a fiancé back in Sufi whom she called Absalom but she told me that she only accepted the arranged marriage due to their two kingdoms and economies promised mergers for the sake of Sufi and their people.

Haa… I miss my girl so much, Blue Girl can make up for the lost times, he thought naughtily.

 Jax, please invite Ms. Dunea to meet me so I can welcome her to our academy!, Eco said. Jax knows about the head master's relationship with Commander Ava of Sufi and she is a worried for the new girl. Mr. Amber is kind but has a tendency to be annoying and persistent when he wants something or someone that he'll go further to an extent that girls break or leave school out of fear or malice.

Head master Eco is an extraordinary chief, I have no qualms about it and though he has his shortcomings as a man he is definitely a hopeless romantic. Pretty hopeless, haay!, Jax thought and agreed to the man's request. Yes, sir!