Huerts and Ospians

Yeah, what is it Aoi?, Lena said.

Ma'am, there has been news about the UFS, it was sent by Messier 200 two weeks ago and it's under the rocky area of Majica Beach. I'm so sorry that my papers were disorganized and it's just now that I saw the message!, Aoi said nervously.

It's okay Aoi, thank you!, I will come to the lab now! See you there!, Lena cried and when Dan heard a call from Kaori, he knew all about the ship and the couple immediately stood up and changed to their working clothes. Lena and Dan drove their own cars so as to lessen suspicions that have been circulating among the staff and heads that they are together. They wanted to keep their relationship a secret as much as possible but since they can't do that now, they openly told everyone about their secret love and all just clapped their hands in acceptance and congratulated them with their relationship.

What's the status of the ship now? Lena asked Aoi while checking the data and the parameters of the ship as of the moment. It seems lost ma'am! The ship was destroyed though remnants of iron and metal parts from the destroyed ship are seen everywhere in the deep waters of the beach. It's weird but I think it was destroyed by another ship and it's not ours, Ma'am!, Aoi said crossing her brows.

 Kaori took photos of the missile that hit the UFS they detected landing the beach, there's another ship that is powerful than the former who got destroyed and it hit it head on. Kaori took the DCTV or digital camera television to check what happened two weeks ago. Kaori presented the DCTV and all including Lena and Dan are watching to see the miracle ship who saved us all from an alien fleet who tried to destroy us starting at Majica beach. Kaori then explained what really transpired during the time. The explosion was massive but it didn't hurt the corals or fishes in the area of Ship A in Exhibit A area. Ship B (ship) was roaming among the waters earlier than Ship A and when this ship encountered Ship B it fired its missiles and hit Ship A that destroyed it automatically. Exhibit A area is a coral reserve spot so Ship A wanted to protect the sea bed and moved upwards near the rocky mountains of the beach. Here Ship B fired multiple missiles that hit Ship A to the front but dodges it and was able to fire proton missiles that blew-up Ship B instantly. Ship A then moved away but the enemy ship fired its last missile at will trying to stop it from leaving and was heavily hit on its tail. Ship A that saved us went missing or maybe placed itself invisible or dormant mode to save energy and regenerate after so it can survive another day at the sea.

Thank you for the vivid explanation Kaori. It's good that we have survived today against alien ships but please Aoi be careful next time. Because maybe we won't have a next time if these alien ships keep on landing at our territory and that is not good for our world's sake. Okay guys, it's still early I want you to head on your quarters to rest, it's been a stressful week and we will see you later. Good day!, Lena added and walked out of the lab and went straight to her office.

Sir Dan, here are the records and data of the destroyed ship. This one is a new ship and maybe we can have a talk with Head master Amber about the blue girl that was caught on video with the DOGS students at Majica beach recently!?, Kaori said and smiled. Alright, I will and this will do! Thank you, You did a great job Kaori, Aoi, see you later guys!, Dan added and smiled back. He walked out of the lab and went to Lena's office to talk with her about the blue girl seen on the beach.

Dan was about to knock on Lena's door when he heard she was talking with someone and very agitated of something or someone. What… I ordered you to catch that girl and what happened? Ah…you are all useless! Huh, okay just contact me when you already know of her whereabouts!, Lena said. Pathetic fools!

Dan breathed and thought that Lena is indeed a cunning woman. Hi, babe! I have the documents and records you asked. I will visit Eco later since he invited me for lunch today! Okay?, Dan said casually and Lena smiled agreeing with him sweetly but deep inside she was relieved that Dan didn't hear anything weird earlier when she was quarreling with the men she ordered to kidnap blue girl.

What's this about Dan? I have a lot of things to do, you see!, Eco said while sitting with Dan in a yacht he drove himself just to have lunch with the academy's head master.

About your blue girl, Dunea is her name, I think?, Dan said casually and smiled.

Aha…so you know about Dunea, how clever, I didn't think you're that smart but now that you mentioned about it. What is it to you?, Eco cried.

She is an alien and ….she is government property!, Dan added.

A student for DOGS is the academy's pride. Dunea is Ava and mine's daughter. No one can touch her, the government or you can never lay claims of my blood line. She is a commander for a fleet and an explorer. She is a free citizen and a high ranking official for Aurea or what you science freaks call Sufi! She is my daughter, Dan!, Eco explained.