MS's First Flight

Where is the ship off to? Come one show yourself, you dirty bastard!, Dan said to himself while Lena is fixing her dress that I have taken off her a while ago. She went to kiss me on the lips and checked on the screen with all the details and colors bombarding our eyes since I 'm busy evaluating all the data the system is sending us now.

The hell I know, but one thing is for sure. That man in Axiom is indeed scary, maybe he really is serious when he used galactic media in proudly stating his case, that he wanted to invade earth to claim it sicne it's his!, Kaori said.

Haist!, what, is he the Creator, even I nor the Supreme Leader hasn't seen God's face so why would we believe that liar's bad news?, Aoi added but thought something yet discarded the idea right away.

He is indeed bad news, yet, what if he is that powerful?, Kaori said. Then, we need the flighters and everyone's help to protect earth and the neighboring planets!, Aoi said conscientiously.

Cecilia is looking at the time warp and while their team is preparing to wear their Mobile Skims. The warp started and were advised the need to stay inside their rooms or MS robots to secure themselves against space reactions and negative physical effects of warping. She is now quietly remeniscing her past when her family needed to flea Pluto. For centuries the planet she grew up in was a beautiful but very cold world. Yet they several citizens who built it and made families there lived happily and worry free. We have wild animals that we dry and cool on snow and ice. Dried meat and maple, strawberry syrup are our staple food then. But when Xerxians continued to invade our cities, Sentinels found our weakness which was our forefront that lacked soldiers to protect it and borders, barriers were left open because we didn't have enough people to fight against the invaders. I want to forget what happened but when my family and I safely docked on one of Saturn's moon, we felt relieved, saved in a way. But due to strange and wild seasons, storms plague Saturn and its moon, we needed to flea again. Finding ourselves in the mercy of Flighters who scouted the other planets and found us, our tiny ship of five and rescued us. My grandfather passed after he had a heart attack on flight while escaping Saturn. Grandma, me and the rest of the family grieved for the loss but there's nothing we could have done then and now we must survive for my little brother and sister's sake.

It's time! Open the hatch, MS robots, can you hear me? Wear them on and feel their power. Our glory depends on all of you. Good luck and may the universe grant your dreams more than what you wished for yourselves! we go!, Slash said and opened the hatch so that the Mobile Skims robots would be able to get out and take off.

Dunea looked at Ericka with so much love. They both know that this is what they have been waiting for all their life, to fight for the sake of the world and the universe. They were talking with each other earlier in Dunea's room about their plans to visit Sufi. It is a big step from making their relationship official and letting the her own tribe know about their love. But training in Carpathia and fighting at the War Front is what makes things spicy and fun with their relationship. And they won't change a thing about this experience for Flighters like her, Ericka and everyone in the team is the 'H-Bomb' that would make Sentinels tremble in fear in the battlefield.

Guys let's feel our Mobile Skims and connect to it like you wanting to make love to your partner or true love, hihi!, Miles said almost giggling, when all connected their MS robots on to their bodies. All felt strange at first but eventually accepted the tingly and elated sensation. The robots are not just metal soldiers but the medium that the flighters are going to use for battle same as their bodies have their souls in order to breathe, live and experience everything, good or bad. Protect you, to protect me! Fight like there's no tomorrow and don't leave your MS Skim or your soul unattended. Be on guard, vigilant in fighting. Don't die. Don't be a hero and avoid being killed! Got it!? Fight….