Elton aka Yuri

Lord Yuri is still thinking about Supreme Leader Violet and even if he is sleeping with different types of young, exotic, hot girls. He can't seem to take the middle-aged woman off his mind. After all, he is still a bachelor and a very rich, influential man who can manipulate and lure every one, that high-ranking nobles, aristocrtas and politicians and low life animals like cockroaches would grit their teeth in fear and despair just hearing his name.

What does this Violet have that any girl can't surpass her magnificence, beauty, intelligence and charm. Her majestic air is stunning and her look alone can melt even the marqui or 'the' King Xerxian if he sees her in that fitted formal clothes which I saw when she wore them at the USN meeting last month. I didn't want to join the meet but when I saw her leading it, I was so mesmerized by her presence, she literally shone and blinded everyone by her beauty and elegance in that conference hall. It was amazing that by listening to her speech, she instantly made me one of her addicted fans an 'utaku' and be one of her top contributers in helping with her civic and universal projects from then onwards, Lord Yuri thought.

Ahh…I think I just desire her for her position or maybe her physical attribute? Anyway, Boggs, can you arrange a meeting with Violet D'Mundo? Thanks!, Yuri said.

Yes master!, Boggs cried and went out of the room to arrange her lord's schedule. First off, him attending a cutting ceremony for a business partner. Then, visitation in one of lord's children's hospital and later maybe his meeting with SL1 Violet D'Mundo, if her assistant answers my call. Haa…USN must have made the leader so busy that her assistant's phone is always on voicemail or email.

Dad, you called me? It's been a while since we talked huh!, Dunea said moving to where Absalom is seated.

Yes, darling, How is everything going on with the academy?, Absalom asked and smiled at the same time.

We're good and as a flighter, trying my best to learn how to best drive Julietta!, Dunea added and picked up the pot with tea in it and pured one for her on a cup then poured some for her dad who motioned he had enough already.

Ha..it's so beautiful out here. I always miss travelling through space whenever I return to Aurea. I guess what I miss most is and your mom!, Absalom honestly said.

Hmm..we miss you too dad! Ah…well, I bet mom won't agree missing your snores and lame jokes! Haha…, Dunea added with a laugh.

Haha…yes I bet it. Dunea, I see that you are getting along well with Ericka. She is the daughter of Violet D'Mundo, right!?, Absalom said.

Yes, and I love her!, Dunea said.

I see, then I am happy for you both. However, do you know who Violet D'Mundo is honey?, Absalom asked.

Yes, she is a broker, that was what Ericka told me when we were talking about her last time I remember she travels a lot and all!, Dunea said smiling.

Ah…I see!, Absalom cried and heard what Ava told him regarding Violet and she is definitely not a broker but USN's Supreme Leader.

Well, I have taken much of your time, I think you and your friends need to go back to your ship for the training at Carpathia, right?, Absalon replied.

Yes, father, thanks and I will see you again soon!, Dunea said and hugged her dad tightly. Of course, we will!, Absalom cried and kissed his daughter's forehead.

Absalom is looking at his ship's window thinking what would become of Dunea and Ericka. Is it that Violet is using her daughter to do things fro USN or far more for the guild? I don't know what's going to happen but there are a lot who wanted to start a war, and this time it's not about monsters, gods or aliens but magic and science. Which are the most dangerous combination, more hedious than hell or solar storms it self.

Violet is on a meeting with the governors of planetary districts when Michelin whispered something in her ear when her eyes held a worried look. Thank you for attending our meeting. I hoep that we have resolved some issues concerning your districts and please send me an email if you have any questions or concerns we need to talk about about since our time here is limited. We can also raise all your questions and resolutions in our upcoming summit for USN, Violet said and smiled. Girls please escort our ladies and gents to the lounge for some refreshments and snacks! Thank you!

So what about this Lord Yuri, Michelin! I don't think I remember agreeing to his invitation. Plus, he needs to be the one to come to me not me to him. And where the hell is Axiom? I remember that is it a new exo-planet thst sprouted a decade or so ago and…

Yes, ma'am, but to cut youor short, it is a powerful and influencial planet with all the merchants and businesses are held, dealt with. It is an economic and unified market district that even you can't be safe to enter it's realms. Yes your power and immunity reaches across universes yet, you can't touch or even interfere with how they work or run, business or personal matters. You don't have power over him for he has his own title, right and his immunity has no bounds not even King Xerxian can kill him, Michelin explained.

Haa…hmm…I believe you, but you will come with me so, I know I'll be safe! However, I won't agree with seeing and meeting him at Axiom. It should be somewhere public and under USN's control. How about Persius Cruise, it is near the infinity loop and nearest to Axiom as well. Tell him that Lord Yuri and I should meet half way. Alright, that's it then!, Violet said still with a worried look on her face. She might be smart yet this Lord Yuri is known for his cunningness and he won't give up until he gets what he wants. And now what he wants is human, her as his play thing, or sexual object, maybe a trophy from all his hard work and riches.