Majarlica & V (Purple Lady Master)

Majarlica is a breathtaking nation and its districts not only possess generation after generations of magical myths and unique, interesting folktales that I don't think are really just fantasy stories. We have 'manananggal' (half human, half vampire), 'kapre' (black and dirty giant who smokes tabaccos), 'aswang' (zombie who transforms from an animal to human and eats swine, etc. or human innards) and many more. After many centuries, they have evolved and just like vampires or zombies, we have huerts and ospians who hail from wolves, creatures or monsters of the deep. They were considered slaves and scary animals who were treated as such but since Supreme Leader Violet changed the rules and handed laws protecting good bacteriums, monsters and non-humans. These life forms and beings were given their rights since majority of them are harmless who only want to live peacefully and harmoniously among huerts and ospians, SL1 Violet made sure that shelters, homes and districts will open their doors and homes for these beings, for she also pledged her life and position to ensure that humans can truly live with creatures of the deep and vice versa.

 These creatures of the deep are now living with huerts and ospians in several districts including DG-28, DG-34 and DG-53. These areas are flocked with so called peaceful monsters and meat eaters (drink human blood or eat human or animal innards) which made it scarier for merchants, politicians and enemies of the government to exploit, loot and invade. However, Violet has friends here since when she was just a child, these called scary or ugly beings were the ones who protected her from bandits and pack of vampire wolves, zombies when her family were massacred. It's been so easy to use power and violence in the 21st century, the darkest of all centuries which Violet wanted to change why she created laws protecting the creatures of the deep out of respect, love and concern for their safety and security. They too have dignity and are more human than the officials of governments or districts who are power hungry, lustful and greedy.

I think the plague, cancer that is eating our society and world or universe is not really these creatures who others call as strange or creepy but the people in power, who manipulate the uneducated, corrupt, lie, take what's not theirs and use the poor for their own selfish motives. I never wanted to be a politician for I despise corruption and compromises. Yet, I needed to do this out of love and respect for my mistress who died for peace and uphold law, order. Supreme Leader Dorothea is an icon for me, my idol though she is not a musician or the prettiest. She stands up for her word and always believes in active communication or participation in everything an official do in congress or parliament. Dorothea is different from me though, if she uses words to change others people's minds, I do that too but more on a budge and thud on the back or head to persuade if it comes to that and not just using the full potential of my authority all through out my years of leading the universe.

I still can't sleep since meeting this Lord Yuri is seriously bothering me now. How is Ericka doing in Carpathia? I hope she is having fun or if in a battle, safe with her friends at the Warzone, Violet thought and suddenly felt sleepy but something popped to her head and smiled.

She didn't know that someone is watching her window from afar. It moves so quick and disappears and reappears when needed. It stayed on Violet's window where her room is located which is at the third floor. Michelin is always on watch when it concerns Violet. But he is sound asleep across the supreme leader's bedroom. Guards are all over the mansion and there are DCTV's all over the place. Alarm beams cover the gates that reach up until 50 feet when touched so burglars and killers won't be able to barge in the place that easily. Assault beams can shoot, cut skins and body parts so this being was so careful so as not to be harmed by them. Ooopss….ahhh….almost there…yah..yup….nah….nak…oh shit!, that's what the being said while jumping on and off the beams as it avoids every hit.

Michelin felt uneasy and woke up. He then heard a sudden step of someone though he knew that no one would have the nerve to barge in the mansion just like that due to tight security. But he was wrong. Michelin got up and called the guards to block the driveway and the front and back doors of the mansion. Violet is now sound asleep and Michelin didn't want to disturb her, he moved like a ninja even if he weights maybe 300 punds at least but his trainings paid off and as a martial arts expert no one can muster his accurateness and agility. He found the person and now holding its neck with his huge hand.

And who might this rat be?, Michelin asked and took its mask off. To his surprise he almost slapped the person but stopped when he realized that the being is none other than Violet!. Ma'am??? What the….

Ah, hihi, Michelin, hi, I just wanted to test our security systems and I guess it is indeed cool!, Violet added and smiled naughtily. I'll be off to my room now. Goodnight!

Haa….my lady, you…? Goodnight!, Michelin almost having a heart attack releasing the lady from his grasp, scratched the back of his head and felt really relieved that he didn't need to kill someone this time. This is one of your games I see…okay! Off you go!

Violet, whose face is all flushed from embarrassment, felt really tired, jumped off Michelin's hand, ran to her bedroom and now sleeping soundly on her bed without even changing her 'yoroi' (ninja armor outfit). did my lady leave the mansion since there were beams all over the place…haaa…this woman is really amazing I get the chills just thinking how she managed to get out without no one knowing it and got in without hurting herself, Michelin thought. Crazy! Huh, but I saw her burned sleeve, haa..she was able to dodge the beam but nearly struck her and she still managed to escape death…hmmm…really amazing! You always surprise me my lady…always!