New Majarlica

Heee…hooooo….hee…hooo!, Jax, Menace, Lloyd followed the creature and ticked their Robo Skims to appear and now wrapped in it, they appeared taller and mightier. The creature continued to run away but when there are children and people in the way, Jax looked at Menace and gave a signal to stop the animal from running. He did by flying and stundign in front of the animal and held its snout quickly. Jax moved quickly and like a speed of light already kicking the horse's fat tummy and fell down the ground. The people in the streets of district 40 yellled nd ran away as Lloyd shouted to get out of the way since they are flighters to annihilate a BT at the moment.

Lloyd who is walking proudly gave a smirk and cursed the creature for ruining his clothes earlier. Now you'll pay, bitch!, after saying this he blew up the torch and fire went through the possessed horse and the creature got scared so it went out of the animal and into the metal canister that Jax prepared for the BT. It knows that the flighters won't kill him/her but be brought to a facility for containment and research. If the BT or VC really poses danger to the districts citizens in Majarlica. It will automatically be destroyed, exterminated or dilluted through the gardens, green houses and forests as fertilizers and food for insects or animals in the wild. Our anmals in 30.000 A.D.E. has grown and had become weirder or darker. Some eat human flesh (which are considered dangerous and needed to be placed in a facility that USN, Gateway Laboratories experiment or make use of the study), some animal meat or insects and some prey on crops, plants, fruits, vegetation and trees.

Ahhh, I thought you'll run away again you naughty slime (which twitched a bit and blushed as if saying sorry)! But poor horsie haaa…(looking at the horse's blown up tummy, let the cleaner know about this Lloyd (who nodded in agreement). Let's move out!, Jax said.

BTs and VCs are minimized and controlled these days that veteran flighters Jax, Menace and Lloyd with the others are taking things easy as creatures appear not because they want to kill or frighten people. But to exist since they are in truth also created to live, breathe and procreate or multiply. However, people, huerts or ospians in turn now are more empathetic, compassionate and bullying is no longer tolerated but despised. Since all is equal and opportunities are provided for every one are doing their best to live happily and harmoniously every day as an individual should be.

 We need to put an end to corruption and poverty so that evil and malicious acts, ways and habits are not justified or promoted for greed and power. The twnty-first century was a lesson that we learned and moved on from since full of corrupt leaders, bureaucrats or business men/women who monopolized world market, and controlled people by fear, faith, war, confusion and scandals. But since the masses are smarter and no longer tolerate oppression and maltreatment, humanity survived and became wiser, stronger and changed their bad ways, habits and turned to accept, love and respect their self, others expecially the weak, oppressed and lifted, inspired and protected them. The Enemy might have thought that humanity lost but in fact we just transformed for the better and then became healthier, braver, wiser and powerful in mind, heart and spirit, until today. Weathers and climates changed. Rains came when they needed to and quenched the thirst of earth's ground's drought and peace reigned from stormy west, east, south and north.

Majarlica was then and now blooms with perfect, abundant and happy everything, starting from its seas, fields, mountains, nature, climates, economy, businesses, agriculture, technology, science, education, leaders and citizens who influenced the world, other planets, galaxies and universes to shine in its own light, beauty and majesty. My family and I whose kins, daughters, sons, relatives and friends experienced physical, psychological, emotional, biological and material trials, challenges were suddenly healed, changed and miraculously medicated by God's providence and healing hands. We are now reaping the fruits of our labor, of love, faith, goodness and untiring assistance, inspiration for the poor, ill and unlearned. What else can we ask for but continuous good health, prosperity peace and happiness all our lives and I feel that now, my transformed self, family for the good of others, our nation, districts, wold, planets and universe, stronger than ever before. And I love it!, my present and future healthy, wise, loving, patient, strong, happy, amazing self, family, children, siblings, citizens and everyone….