
 Ava still couldn't forget that dark afternoon, she has the power and ability to fight back and kill the Xerxian soldiers but she got scared. Until now I cry everytime I dream about it and blame myself for letting my best friend suffer the consequences of my actions. King Xerxian wanted the viral samples since all of these BTs and VCs came from their ship that got hi-jacked by Ku Klux Tribe, a pirate fleet that is so popular during those times. They loot and sell the merchandices to merchants and businesses in Axiom. And since every one has immunity when they reach that planet, no one can touch the pirate fleet looters, thus, we at DOGS academy and I as captain of Aurea fleet couldn't do anything myself. We attended trial after trial but since our time and money were sort of just being wasted for lawyer fees and court proceedings, without any sign of winning what we were fighting for which is justice. We gave up and led to our chosen lives though bitter, we all gave it shot and all sort of finally recovered. But not me, I still held the hate and I wanted to have my revenge for Violet and I's sake. 

Haa…I need to take a nap, flying with Filia Fleet would be a long journey since it would take about five hours to get back to Aurea. We still need to use warp time lapse in order to shorten the distance from earth to other planets and then the infinity loop, Andromeda entrance then to Aurea.

It's weird that Duke Yuri of York invited me to his birthday celebration in Axiom, before I didn't want to go but now I think I need to. I deliberately chose to attend the event this time to see that filthy prick. And I doubt if Violet will just attend it because of the Duke or maybe with another purpose in mind, like beheading King Xerxian or something, hmm?, Ava giggled.

 Ah, I told you, you won't leave this time. I knew about Yuri's birthday and glad to have you as my escort for the said event!, Eco said excited looking at Ava's eyes like he has another thing planned for that day. I guess Violet will be attending too. I heard she will be excorted by flighters going to Axiom?

 Ava's eyes turned dim and anger is seen through them. Now, now my dear, we can't waste such emotions so better keep it until the event. I know it will become handy for you and me! Hehe! King Xerxian will have a field day and I'm sure he will be disappointed when he finally realized why he didn't die twenty years ago…., Eco said and held his fist on his other hand like gripping it tightly so as not to punch anyone. Only five days left to make things right and this time, we won't fail.