
 I will return in time for Yuri's birthday. I need to talk with Kimiko about something!, Ava said without saying goodbye to Eco who is still at the shower pondering on their plot against the duke. This is something I will certainly dream of doing and once a success I will make those merchants lives a living hell. Ha..hahah…hahahahaha!

 Ava thought of having revenge against King Xerxian but as if she is confused not to indulge into her hate for she knew that the king is Ericka's father if not she would ba so glad that the Omega leader will be wiped out in the face of the universe. But why is she hesitating this time?

Thrusters on, time warp ready, and go! Time lapse in three, two, one…..weew wheewe! The sound of magnetic fields, neurons and neutrons with interstellar energy blazed on to lead Filia Ship towards space, to other planets, the powerful gaseos sun Sol and then on the left side of the Infinity Loop to Andromeda Galaxy. Ava decided to travel on Earth's left so as not to encounter pirates, though Ku Klux Tribe is all over the place just like the Sentinels, a rising pirate fleet called Skull is also waging war against the enemy looters and will not stop only because Ava is a general or she has Robo or Mobile Skims on her side to protect her. Skull Pirate Fleet is a young group of thieves but very technically sophisticated, powerful and popularly influential. It has immunity in several planets and Ava wonders why a loot ship can fly over space without getting caught? Haa….pirates these days are ridiculous! Much more tolerated, and by all people, Lord Yuri even reconizes them, maybe because merchants buy slaves and exchange merchendices or products for money or privileges.

Ava was able to get away from Skull Fleet which is about to enter their warp but when Ava's pilot swerved to the right entering another warp she automatically and skillfully turned the timelapse and the ship disappeared into the unknown, Skull Fleet stopped and Captain Red cursed the ship's great piloting skills. Haa… sh*t that fleet!, Red thought and yelled to gear towards the other side of space towards the Infinity Loop.

Boss, the Filia ship managed to escape but will we pursue them?, Fei shouted while maneuvering the ship to full throttle. No, let them be! If it's for us, it's destined to be. But what I'm interested in is this upcoming event at Axion planet!, Red added and laughed.

Yes Captain, it's Duke Yuri of York's birthday and we have a special invitation on the event as well, Dax added since as pirate mediator and messenger her knows the ins and outs of the market, businesses and events they participate in. Skull Fleet is not just a looter but can also engage in business pursuits and can handle work outside of looting but legal transactions asked and paid for by nobles or high-ranking people in government including Eco, Yuri and Xerxian. So they do have a say and has powerful back-ups, immunities from several planets all over the universe.

Captain, we are near Home Cruise called Carpathia, are we docking or just scouting the place now?, Fei asked and stoped the ship while waiting for the captain's orders.

Let's stay oout of range and rest for a while. I'm beat and I'm sure you all need a rest too. I'll give you guys a two day off. Have fun. Am out!, red said and left the hole (captain's cabin)

How come ma'dame is sort of upset!?, Seth said while preparing his electronics and turn off his side of systems dashboard. Well, I think she is still angry about Lord Yuri's request, Grei added now standing up from his computer and stretched his arms from since been calculating and checking distances and enemies on his screen to protect, provide the ship it's safe course line. Haa...I heard about it too, Duke requested to kidnap Supreme Leader Violet Armac but since Boss wanted to decline, the dark lord blackmailed her to cut her business in Axiom if she fails to do the request, Blad interrupted.

Haa…you guys are awful, why talk about our mistress when she's away. Back stabbers!, Fei said and rested her arms since starting to ache from driving the wheel for too logn now. Well, if it's true then let it be. But I'm sure the Captain will do this not harming one of the most kind and powerful leader of our time!

Yeah, everyone said and nodded in agreement.

The staff didn't know that Captain Red was listening outside the cabin door and breathing profusely for she didn't really want the assignment but didn't have much choice. Axiom is the biggest supporters and contributers for Skull Fleet's wealth and influence in the universe. And losing the immunity would definitely minimize her power to cross galaxies and loot or do paid jobs from clients. If that happens her mother and siblings, the people of Dox which depend on her earnings wouldn't eat nor survive in the planet where Xerxians left devastated. The planet is still barren and maybe this year it will have plants or flowers blooming. But that is just a wishful thinking from me who wants what's best for my world and my people, Red thought and sighed in grief.

 Red now is I her room reading stuff about SL1 Violet and her daughter. She now knows about Ericka and the DOGS flighters. It will definitely a rough job and the assignment to take the leader by force would be hard. Violet is a martial arts master and I am a thief who knows how to fire guns and punch. Haa…this will be an awful mess when I fail or if I succeed I woud certainly lose some of my limbs or maybe have broken several parts of my body…oww, that would be so awful alright!

Haa….this Violet is pretty huh! I haven't seen a woman this beautiful and wonderful. Hot and powerful women turn me on and this lady is something special. Why would the duke want her anyway!?, Red thought looking at Violet's picture online. I bet he wants her for himself and since he can't get her or manipulate her by words, he's doing it by force. And I'm the sole person who can do the job for him. Coward and weak! Haa….but he is paying me my immunity rights, a handsome money and other privileges for this, so, I'm sorry lady, this is just part of the job!