All time Crush

We found all this principal's victims and was sentenced to life imprisonment. Then after that, I always keep an eye or let skilled men or women to guard Ericka that wherever she goes I know. I do this not only for my peace but for her security as well. Now that I'm the supreme leader I made sure that all children and the youth especially the girls and women under my leadership are secured and protected, everywhere in the world, planets or universes. So, beware harassers and lewd men or women in the universe!, Violet thought while plunging herself on the hot but relaxing bath bubbling her worries and problems of the state or universe away…hmmm…..this is so amazing! Haaa…..Giga I want wine inside my bath, please! Thank you!, Violet ticked a holoscreen and when it beamed there numerous buttons appeared. Starting from bath, bedroom, resto bar, home lights, veranda, all the amenities electrical dn digital dash to control and push when needed. USN built a home for all supreme leaders depending on their taste and where it would be placed whatever location it will be built it's USN's responsibility and paid resources.

Since Violet is the supreme leader 1, she has several homes all through out the universe. She has dreamed of this from the moment she stepped in and up as the over all chief of USN, levitating stairs of white, creamson and gold are spiraling upwards for her to walk to. The stairs are hanging like there is an invisible power that keeps the steps upfloat and steady, sturdy and majestic. Impossible…but with the universe and the Creator anything is possible! 

Don't be mistaken about bad people. We all have good and evil in us but I believe that there are spirits that we don't see yet we hear and experience which make us do, think and feel weird or unusual things around us. I have encountered these spirits that are colorless or sometimes dark silhouetted auras in several instances. It appears like a voice not coming from within but someone who says something to either inspire or uplift you or destroy or anger you. Either way, we must control our temper, self and thoughts. Be vigilant. Be always ready to face and battle your self, ego and pride, for most of our wars are within and not really external, from others or from the world. If we are able to control our self, thought, feeling and inner deisres or whims, we can defeat evil. Evil only feeds on bad things so if we remain good and consistent in getting better every time, we might lose or fall but rise up and continue fighting until the end. And when we get used to being good and doing good it becomes a habit that flourishes, inspires you and others to do the same. Haa…well, acting like I matter or I care is harder than I thought. I am kind but not really nice at all! Hihi!, Jon said. HR said that I will be sent to this Victor of Fire Bout tomorrow and the principal wanted to talk to me about something. I wonder if I would see Hayaka there/ Hmm…

 It's too early for a flight and I'm so sleepy I can just lie down on the aisle of this damn plane!, Jon added while placing her carry on back pack on top of her head, while yawning endlessly.

 Excuse me, thank you! Is this seat taken? I am supposed to sit next to you, thanks!, a girl said nicely. Jon is still on a daze and when she turned around to see who was talking behind her thus she got the surprise of her life. Ah….haha…Osaka! I mean, yes sure, I think it's not, be my guest!, Jon said happily. Buddha bless you plane for making my wish come true! Hayaka is so lovely like a princess with a sword and ready to kill me if I make one wrong move here hehe! Amazing…

 You know me that's nice, yes I am Hayaka Osaka!, the girl continued and sat on th window seat beside me. And you are?

 Yes, Johanna Damon, just call me Jon for short! Nice to meet you too!

 Wow, this is unbelievable. Me sitting beside a champion and as if she is just a normal girl with glasses on! Huh how can life be this surreal!, Jon thought and smiled while Hayaka is getting comfortable on her seat. The flight attendant said some things about the flight but as if I didnlt hear them. I was so focused on Hayaka that I couldn't even blink for fear that when I did she will disappear like in a dream! Hihi!