Friends & Competitors

Babe, look at this Hayaka girl she's cute huh?, Dunea said and now touching Ericka's waist. Yeah she is indeed gorgeous and I think she is a tough gal to defeat!, Ericka added and tapping Dunea's hand while reaching for her butt. Hihi!!

 Bulldog team are now seated together and some participants of the bout are dancing on the floor in the tune of Dancing Queen but in techno mix form. You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen….., Hayley and Ren are dancing on the floor with their sexy outfits of tight jeans and VOF shirts with high boots on. Wooh….ahh….owo…owo!

 Jon wanted to dance and asked Hayaka who refused since she can't really dance. But the former insisted and Hayaka could no longer refure since the challengers are like stupefied waiting on what she'll do next, or whether she'll dance or not. So to avoid the attention she walked tot eh dance floor and wiggled a bit then danced to how Jon danced along with the several competitors who did the LA Walk which is like the oldest dance in history of planet earth. I think this dance or walk became famour in the states and even in Mjarlika it's well known. Outrageously, awesome, hihi!. All participants stood and a hundred of us joined the dance and it was amazing we had so much fun while doing the walk!, Jon thought and smiled at Hayaka who is now maybe having the best time of her life with how much she is laughing I would say it's hella contagious.

 Supreme Leader 1 Violet can't make it to the welcoming party but will attend the first bout next week, as per Thess who had been contacted by Michelin. Sir Foster just arrived and was escorted by his wife Helena who is a famous Vogue model and also one of the jusges for Ms. Galactic-Universe to be held in Thailand and Venus (planet). Violet needs to visit an orphanage since there had been fires breaking out the city and outskirts of other nations that needed attention and aid. Almost all known people are in the said party including Governor Pache, Eco, Ava, Frank, Dan, Lena, their assistants and many more. All are catching up with work and gossip as we danced the night away, Ren thought.