I believe that this day and age anything can happen. Like that of the belief that we are living this current life and we have the same us in different worlds or dimentions which bring us that thought of I already did this or I visited this place I don't know if it was in my dreams or in real life. The dejavu or nostalgia that we have lived again and again or reincarnated maybe to reach the best version of our self by living the same life or maybe in another's, other time, place or realm.

Hmm…weird as it may sound, or call me crazy. But when I saw myself waking up as an agent, a military officer or an ordinary person time and time again, I didn't think that I lost a screw in the head but realized that I have lived numerous lives thousands of years ago and still living to experience what I needed to to stay alive, maybe. To live and attain that ultimate happiness, end, success and the version I wanted for myself. And that is to become a champion for Victor of Fire, haaa….dreams do really come true and I'm living it now. I just need to make that goal of becoming a champ a reality and the time is now!, Jon thought and breathed while lying down on her bed in the room beside Hayaka's. Is she already asleep?

What Hayaka might be thinking or doing is resting yet not really but….yahhh, haaa..yahh! She is practicing and sweating profusely while sheathing and swinging her sword repeatitively. Hayaka is doing this since it's already a habit she got used to before sleeping. Yahhh…..

I have accomplished many things and reached this position for love of God, country and universe. But my insecurities and weaknesses still haunt me like I am that little shy, naïve girl from a simple but happy village of Belvedere. It is in DG1 but in the farthest part of the district. It was and still is the oldest city center of Majarlica. And it is still sliving and striving today. I love the trees, wild animals and nature in that place that I still visit even though I'm already this supreme leader that people and presidents of nations bow down to or massively respect. Huh! My mother can still scold me when I get ingredients wrong cooking sinigang or adobo! How the heck I know that you need to put the tamarind's skin out then smash some to get the sour flavors out dramatically?, hihi! My dad can still shout at me when I don't clean the kitchen or table after meals! I don't really like washing dishes and been doing that eversince I was in elementary, hmm! I miss those days when dad used to tell me stories before sleeping or I get to talk to him about many trivial and crazy things as a child. I love the fact that my parentsa dn family are still the same, though we changed a lot when it comes to jobs, lifestyle or money matters. We are still the same Del Rosario Mundo family that loves the poor and helps every one who comes to our home to get free meals or financial. Dad and mom are already in their eighties and I'm still their girl no matter what happens or whatever level I'm at, at work or the world, rather universe, Violet thought. 

How sad that people who are poor are are still poor today but I believe that when we work hard or smart, we can accomplish anything in life as long as we put our hearts and minds in it. Look at me and my family, we did it and keep on doing what we love but still able to help others since we want to give back or pay it forward. Because when our family was in need before we were given help and good souls, family or people extended their hands to assist and support us too. So, now, we are gving back, supporting and helping those who need it and I as the Supreme Leader of the universe always do whatever I can to make a difference in someone else's life everyday.

However, based on the stories I knew and felt too, these people, relatives or friends who had or experienced their worst life before are now living the best times of their lives. Success is indeed indefinite and it doesn't matter whether you're young, old or middle aged, when it is your time, success and happiness will come unexpectedly and rule over you and your life because it is destined to happen. No person, nor event, can stop good things or miracles to happen in your life for when it is your time to shine and succeed it is what it is, no more, no less. It's just is, flowing evergy, blessing and success the way you wanted, prayed, thought or loved, it or maybe more. The universe can give graces far more than what you have asked for and now it is giving you what you are bound to have or get through other people, family or friends, or sometimes from strangers who were touched by God or whom you touched unexpectedly or miraculously. There are no coincidences but chances that are given and showered by a power like magic that makes dreams to reality. And now your dreams are coming true Violet? Aren't they coming true, the wishes, prayers that you have prayed for unceasingly, silently, patiently, for forever? Huh…girl, you have grown strong, brave and positive inspite of negativities and darkness from others or those who don't believe in you!