
I see, why, would you place that phrase on the screen. Idiot! There is an agent lurking around the dome so quit fuzzing around and be careful how you give me orders, fool!, Cid said on his phone while in the back seat of his Benz. Well, revolution, isn't really a smooth word to tell your viewers. But I'll see what I can do!, Cid while his voice lowers down that turned into a whisper. Calderon is his faithful driver for ten years but he knows that no one can be faithful, obviously, when money is concerned. Yes I bribe mu own driver and each and every one that hinders my way to stardom or let's correct it, freedom! Freedom from cruelty, oppression, corruption and lying bitches of the government. I came from a very poor family and my rise to fame is the blessing I received fromt above which I am no using to free my fellow impoverished people to become rich like myself and more. I don't want this supreme leader hindering me from my plans and the dome is the perfect place, the participants as perfect tools for me and my organization to kill oh, no, to annihilate all who will stop me from freeing the poor and getting back what these lying leaders took from us. I swear on my parent's grave and Uncle Jose who fought against inequality and injustice against the low income groups in Ground Zero and districts. I think I have one perfect candidate to help us with our pursuits! And she is so perfect I can tell she will eagerly fight and win for me, kill for money!, Cid thought while looking at International Academy's fighter Johanna or Jon's virtual hologram while she is fighting against Russia's top seed Freda.

 Yaahhh…., I kicked Freda who immediately moved to the right side and then flew above to escape from my missiles. Freda suddenly pulled out her sword and sheathed it to hit me on the side of my arm which I didn't notice the scratch she gave me a while ago. She was so fast that I wasn't able to move to the left and backed up a little just to avoid the hit. I wanted to take revenge and pulled my saber blade and ran to hit Freda on the head that she quickly avoided. When she moved to the left side, I instantly grab my saber hard with my hands and hit Freda's skims chest. Both of us had a scratch and the bout was declared a tie.

 Sh*t, I had it. I was swinging my saber and I hit her but why is it that we are tied. Damn it!, Jon thought when Hayaka walked into the locker room. Hey, good fight!, Hayaka said and smiled. Yeah, well, I couldn have been great!, Jon said sadly. Well, Freda is a difficult fighter and I fought her several times. She is really a beast, you know!, Hayaka added . Come on! We need to et out of here, want a drink, or two, maybe?

 Haa..okay!, Jon repied and gae a dry smile. But did she win against you?

 No, not in my lifetime!, Hayaka smiled. Jon just stared at her friend. Then, what if she will fight against Hayaka in the future bouts? That would definitely be one hell of a challenge. I bet!

 So, next up is hmm… the Gladiator Minandro, ahaha..what a name, is he a gladiator though?, Dunea asked while she and Ericka are watching the particpants fight from the far end of the spectators general patronage seats. You can see what the fighters look like from this angle, wow, talk about powerful eye sight?, Ericka said while watching the fighters on her virtual holo screen tablet. Well, I can see them on your tablet you know!, Dunea added. Oh, right? Haha! Well, he is known for his huge swings and punches, that when he hits you you can doze off till tomorrow!, Ericka added. Look, he did that to Akhmed. Ah no, is he dead?, Dunea said worried. Nope, he stood up so it must be a huge blow but he was able to survive it! Akhmed fell after the hit but he got up and moved closer to Minandro and gave him a low blow to the leg and paralyze his skims. But the man held his stance and instead pulled his gun and shot Akhmed to the head but he avoided it by backing up and flying around. Akhmed flew around that made Minandro angry and anxious of not hitting the guy. Soon Akhmed was already at Minandro's back and punching him on the head. Minandro fell but he was able to grab Akhmed's feet and swung him around the dome like a flying saucer. Akhmed was dizzy and fell to the ground. Minandro then hit him on the chest and the bout if over. MInandro wins the match and Akhmed came out of his Skims crying. Yogi comsoled his friend and joined the team to celebrate Hayley's win for the day. But since Yogi lost everyone was smiling but still sensitive with Yogi's situation. They just ate and then left the lounge to go to their repective quarters and called it a day.