Surprises & Heartaches 2

Why?, Menace whispered. Why, what?, Slash said laughing at Jax trying to snatch the mic from Lloyd who didn't want to let go of. Why did you propose to Mirel when you know Lloyd, your brother loves her?, Menace added angrily. He loves Lloyd too much to get hurt like this. I know, but he is too slow to ask Mirel so I grabbed the opportunity when she agreed to date me after Carpathia Cruise!, Slash said unapologetically.

Bastard!, you really are cold, until now you never changed, at all!, Menace said and went out of the room to get some fresh air. Jax immediately sensed something was wrong and ran after her boyfriend Menace. Where did Menace go? Is everything okay, honey?, Mirel said. Yes, let's sing together!, Slash added and smiled at his fiancée. Lloyd smirked and asked to be excused to go to the bathroom.

Hey, are you okay?, Jax said while Menace lighted a cigarette and Jax asking to have a puff. Well, I talked with Slash about his proposal. We all knew that Lloyd loves Mirel. Why would he do that to his own brother?, Menace added and spitted some of the thin foil from the Cuban cigar given by Slash as a gift when he came back from Saturn. Menace looking at the cigar laughed. Haaa…we are crazy as f*ck huh!

Yup, that's why we're friends! But, don't get me wrong, babe! Mirel is a pretty girl I know even if Lloyd or Slash didn't propose to her, some guy would eventually come to snatch her away from us. She is a talented and beautiful captain, after all!, Jax said and hugged Menace who smiled at his girlfriend who has a point. Good point babe! You…are so beautiful! How about getting married too?, now! Take it easy! It's not like I don't want to marry you. It's just that we have our jobs and I know you still want to travel Andromeda, right? Do you think we can do that when all we wanted in the first place is to see the grandeur of that hell of a galaxy?, Jax said.

Yah, you are right! Let's go back inside! I don't want Mirel to worry! To hell with that bastard (Slash)!, Menace said and Jax laughed.

 Mirel, haa…why didn't I ask you first. Because I was shy, an introvert who doesn't have the guts to tell you I love you! For all these years I respected you. Placed you in an altar and pretended that I am just a friend. And that I wanted just to be a big lie! Haa…why, why?, Lloyd thought while punching the wall in one cublicle where he locked himself in, in the men's comfort room.

So, why are you calling me? Tired of ebing alone and playing god?, Herman teasing Violet. Aha! Nope but I'm getting used to power and priviledge thanks to your vote and support. Anyway, I called to say how are you? I heard about your new product, wow, AI women getting pregnant? Have you lost your mind and wits that your libido is getting the best of you?, Violet teased back. Annoying as it may sound my dear, I did it because of me and the men who want a woman who can please them and stay by their side forever!. I don't intend to recreate God's ultimate mold which is a human. But if I can just enhance it and make it perfect though it isn't so. Still I have made a difference and anyway, you are like on so don't pretend that you dond;t understand me or some men! Hehe!, Herman joked. Aha, so you mean I'm a robot, you…annoying beast!, Violet said while Herman laughed. Sorry but not intentionaly hurting your ego, I really want to thank you for the wine, it's most expensive but the thought really counts! Well, I'm used to the media striking the iron while it's hot, and giving me all that non-ethical and religious sh*t. When in the first place a member of the papacy asked me to do this for God's wonderful purpose like humanity's stable family or future. I don't exactly remember how the cardinal stated it. But aside from the huge money I donated for their organizations, I also made sure that I followed his plea to have a balanced world. AIs are now a necessity, right! As you can see, AI, are online and everywhere, from gadgets, giganet to universal and galactic communications, technology, engineering, economic architecture and business purposes or needs, it is the main tool for advancement and accuracy.

Pregnancy can only happen by natural causes and God made it possible between a man and a woman. But due to insemination and invitro pregnancy we have created a new way of incubating babies using a surrogate mother, an AI can get pregnant coming out from it's private part two or more eggs in the size of an egg yolk, the genes and DNA are mixed together and form a human being. The embryo will then be incubated until it grows to a baby. Sufi has a process called Embroyonic Cycle that is like a natural way of bringing up a child from first trimester to the last. However, surrogate mother is still needed to make sure the baby will grow healthy, strong and normal.

Thanks, I didn't need consoling but I appreciate the call! See you later beautiful!, Herman said and cut the call. Gertrude (Benz-GX AI) let's go home!. You got it Boss!, (Car AI Gertrude said happily) You are in a good mood today, my dear!, Herman joked. Yes, because your assistant cleaned and sent me to the shop for an overhaul, I feel so cleana and light today I can kiss you Herman!, Gertrude added. A..ah..ah…I love you too but no to physical touch and love, I'm allergic to it not unless it's Violet, that would be so sexy!, Herman added wishing for it to come true. You wish!, Gertrude added and roved it up for Armac Estates. Shut it up or I'll kill you, you mechanical bitch!, Herman now mad. Haha, just kidding Herman!, Gertrude said.

Huh…when did you get to be so cocky, hmp, an AI joking, that's absurd! Who are you, really? Ahhhh…., Herman shouted and now frantic while Gertrude is still laughing like a full grown woman, not an AI. It's better than a huert like you who is so stiff and cold haha!, Gertrude continued. Hmp! I can order people to shut you up you know!, Herman now annoyed. Sorry, okay I'll shut up, Gertrude added and didn't talk anymore. Okay, hey, Gertrude what do you think of my creation, ARIS? Gertrude, hoy….?