Winner's Pin

Yayyyy!, the spectators at VOF Dome went wild while Cid Crest announced the winner of the Bout. Gail gave the winner's pin to Hayaka. For eliminations, once the contender wins, he or she received a green pin. For semifinals, blue pin and for finals, red. The champion will receive a gold pin along with a pot money worth 1,000,000 gold coins on his or her account. The lucki fighter also receives a Benz De Luxe and a whole unit at Amber Hotel. Then he or she will be given a job DOGS Academy as a flighter and instructor.

Yahoo!, congratulations Hayaka!, Jon said shouting in excitement. Team Bull Dogs also cheered for Hayaka and were happy for the win. Dunea and Ericka are just staring at Hayaka as she hugs Jon and both looked at each other where they are seated a few feet away from the rink. Do we smell romance budding? Then smiled thinking, definitely!

The rink is a huge place in the size of a football field. The seats are same as with it too but the only diference is there is a luminous force field circling the rink to protect the spectators from getting hurt or smugged by the fighters Skims and Robots.

Ericka is about to fight Minandro and this is the worst since the man is a monster. Ahaha…I would surely be crushedby that humungous dude, anyway, can we make love today and just forget about tomorrow's bout hehe!

Haha, you'll be fine, babe! He is surely big but with Skims you are an equal match! See! So fight!, Dunea added and hugged her girlfriend. Oh right!, Ericka said. Let's train more, let's go!, Dunea said iving her hand for her to hold on to. Okay!, Ericka said not hesitating for a second. We can do this!

Oh, by the way, we weill attend my uncle Kimiko's wedding at Aurea, will you come with me? I will introduce you to him and his future wife?, Dunea added and smiled. Oh, alright!, Ericka suddenly got nervous. Don't be they're nice and he is really excited to meet you! Mom would be so glad to talk with you again.

Is this the meet the parents and all that, thing?! Ahh…, it's going to be okay! It's just a wedding, not our wedding but her uncle's, hihi!, Ericka added and prepared her stuff for the trip. Travelling to Aurea would take five days since we need to use CRAWL for the travel. Usually if we use MS it is justoign to take about three days with the use of stable powerd engine faster than the speed of light. Mom said that she will be running late due to a meeting at the office, so we will just meet at Aurea later. Aurea, since located in the forefront of Andromeda with regular speed of light will take billions of years but since we already have super advanced technology. Travelling to other galaxies are like trips to other countries on earth and it's really amazing right!, Ericka thought excited for the new experience and this is her first time to travel outer space and out of the Mily Way Galaxy.