People & Garden

Sh*t I thought they will bomb this rink, tsk! Fools, I really need to talk with that Johanna girl to make sure my plans work!, Cid thought while he's sitting on his hair dresser. Cid's make up artist is trying to take off his make up which the announcer angrily slapped after saying that his make up artist is sloppy and worthless.

Everyone is invited to attend Kimiko and Izumi's wedding in Aurea's Garden. Dunea is so excited to see her uncle which she didn't expect to be real. Since she thought Kimiko is just a friend and nothing more. Dunea is now walking in Aurea's rosetta garden and it's still remains beautiful, untouched and colorful, she bursted intor tears seeing how Aurea changed and bloomed like her life. Storms are manageable nowadays, thanks to grand father Yamamoto, the gods bless his soul for creating a system that like earth's AI Rembrandt, it can detect storms right away that when a olar storm appears, digital force fields and shields would automatically appear and protect our planet from beign hit by it. Ahh…I didn't know what to say but thank you, gnad pa! I hope you are happy now in heaven!, Dunea said and felt a hand caress her back. It's Ericka. Babe!, you have a wonderful planet. I wish I can live here too!, Ericka said and smield. Yes, why not! I love you!, Dunea cried and kissed Ericka. I love you!. Both girls are now looking at the remarkable beauty of Aurea. It is so white and cold but the love this couple have for each other is warming the place just like the colorful garden of rosettas though wrapped on ice are like twinkling stars in heaven. It's so amazing I want to stay here forever!, Ericka thought of the possibility.

When Kimiko and Izumi's ship landed Aurea on the dock, Ava, Absalom and Dunea welcomed them happily. Dunea ran up to Kimiko who is so glad to see his niece who he thought was his love interest but turned out to be his blood relative. The girl is now dangling all over Kiniko;s chest and waist that Izumi laughs about how funny these two greeted each other.

Dunea!!!, Ava said with full demeanor fitting for a queen. But Dunea who is a royal as well isn't doing her fill yet Kimiko happily obliges and carried his niece back to the castle. Izumi was laughing the whole time while Dunea, pouting, is being scolded by Ava from the other side of the reception area.

Haha, my poor niece, I missed her. You see I grew up with her here in Aurea and she was just so tiny when I met here with dad, the gods bless his soul!, Kimiko told Izumi. Absalom si already waiting in the royal court when the couple came in to pay their respects. The VOF officials, Judges, guests and contenders including Ericka, her team and other competitors join in the celebration. All are in their best attires, tuxedos and gowns in all colors and splendor befitting a royal wedding. Prince Kimiko and Princess Izumi are in white, peach and old rose colour. Izumi's parents and relatives arrived in their exquisite white, balck and old rose sophisticated clothings which are fashionably woven and created just for the occasion. Ava, Absalom and Dunea are in peach, old rose and black combinations that matches the garden decoratiosna and trimmings. The flowers are all over the castle and the garden is in full bloom with red, peach, blue, orange, pink, yellow and purple rosettas, that they are like silhouettes grazing smoothly when the breeze whips in and when the star hits them with it's light like auroras glistening in the moon lit skies. Rainbows in the garden!, Dunea and Ericka whispered. So beautiful!!!

It's almost six in the evening and the star is lit up like a sun on earth setting with it's orangy and yellow magical hues. It's so wonderful that the ark we made so Kimio and Izuminwould stand there with dad blessing their marriage is amazing. The star is at the center of their wedding like it is also gracing them with its light like glimmering shadows in the night. The only difference is it's still afternoon and the night is yet to come.

When Kimiko and Izumi said their I do's, the fireworks immediately started to fly and light up the colorful sky, it's so amazing. I have seen fireworks on earth before at the Festival but this is got to be the coolest and grandest fire works show in the entire universe with aurora -like lights that glimmers and glistens then those popping sounds and scattering rainbow lights like it's falling down on us and eating us up is awesome! Just awesome!, Dunea shouted and jumped with Ericka and the Bull Dogs along with the other guests and spectators in the kingdom of Aurea. There are about two thousand guests since they are from the side of our family and Princess Izumi's. The guest list is kin d of huge, but it's worth it. Foods that we grow and care for (aurean tomatoes, iceberg lettuces, cucumbers, and more, then there's ice salmons, wagyus, etc.) are amazing and the wine is like fountainthat keeps on flooding the tables I couldn't keep up. Ericka asked me to come with her to the garden just to unwind a bit. So I followed her outside the reception area. It has been a hectic week for us with the Bout, and all, then this, it's kind of stressful and tiring. Maybe she wanted to talk or what, Dunea thought and went to wherever, with her girlfriend.