Capturing V

Supreme Leader 1 Violet wasn't able to attend and judge the VOF Bout since she was still in Venus for Miss Galactic-Universe Coronations. Michelin contacted VOF Officials for the upset but they were happy just to be visited by the leader if she has the time and that's it.

Violet is attending the International Conference for Nations that is held in Thailand. After the conference she went to Venus to judge Miss Galactic-Universe and was about to head to earth as one of the panel of judges for the VOF Bout after the pageant coronation when some strange men wearing black tights and masks appeared in front of the stage and forcefully took Violet. Michelin ran towards the stage as he ordered security to cover for him. He swirled and leapt while kicking and shooting the masked culprits trying to seize the supreme leader. Violet punched one guy after another and side kicked each one who comes right after her. But they have plenty of guns and bullets that Michelin lost the battle. Violet tried her best to fight back but was silenced when someone pricked her with some kind of sleeping potion. Violet thus found herself being taken to another planet which she felt and heared as Proxima. She couldn't see a thing since blindfolded but knew she is held hostage by Zulks (alien terrorists) who is the number one enemy of the pirates and sentinels in outer space. By the sound of these terrorists, they are well equipped and has strong military skills that she believed that they are indeed ex-military officials and are seeking refuge in the planet to use her as a bargaining tool to make impossible things happen for them.

Zulks are composed of ex-military personnels and prisoners of war that happened twenty years ago. After the war, things got more complicated because Violet accepted the position as supreme leader 1. The opposition which are leftist coming from some council members, government, civic or non-civic groups, are against her and the current leadership body. Violet was able to hurt and kill some Zulks but since they are dozens of them, she was outnumbered.

Violet was imprisoned for days. Michelin and the Flighters with Ericka leading the team for the search and rescue operation, Violet lost all hope of being saved. The Flighters paved the way and found Michelin a spot to enter into the Zulks hide out in a company building called Maracao Industries, near central air train station of district 12, Mercury street at Kamal city in a country called Peruvia of planet Proxima. Michelin and other Flighters scouted through a tunnel below the building. The structure where Violet is kept is huge that it is hard to calculate where the supreme leader is hidden. When the Zulks found out of the raid and rescue, Madua with her security moved to secretly take the leader away. They knew that if Violet escapes their plan won't work and all will be wasted time and again.

Violet all bruised up and lips stained with cuts is now wearing a fed up face, along with torned blouse and skirt. A Zulk guard was about to rape Violet that since all tired and hungry she couldn't fight anymore. Madua went to see Violet earlier and brought a tray of food and drink in her hand to talk. She even asked the leader to sleep in her quarters but Violet refused. Madua and her guards came to take Violet away. But Michelin thinking that Madua came to hurt the leader got a hold of his magnum 48 with a silencer swiftly and shot one guard after another. Violet pushed the guard who is trying to rape her away from her then Michelin came rushing in and slit the guard's throat that all his blood spitted out over the leader's face. Violet was shocked and was about to shout when Michelin hugged her and was so glad he could see her again. Madua who lost all five of her guards ran to escape.

Violet, oh, thank God you are alive!, Michelin said. Violet lost consciousness while her heroic ambassador carried her to the car. Madua hid herself and ran to her ship. It flew away though in truth she whole heartedly wanted to apologize to Violet for she understood now what the leader truly wants to achieve in her government.