Friends & Crushes

Hey!, Cecilia said. Eating your fave again, huh!?

Right, yup! Never change, green salads and yogurt hihi!, Emil replied sitting on the chair and started eating his meal.

So, how's G-Force? I haven't visited the place for almost a yar now, I kind of miss you, Mher, er ah…and well, us?, Cecilia added and now moping.

Well, I miss you too, Mher most especially. But well that's life we need to move on eventually. I heard Miles is your boyfriend now, congratulations. Mher would be happy for you, and so do I!, Emil said smiling.

Thank you! Eat, don't mind me I'm just intruding your space, hihi!, Cecilia said and now laughing.

Yup but I like it. Miss you, Cecil!, I miss this little chats we always have before, Emil added munching his greens.

Yup and we will have this always as long as you will talk to me and to my friends, next time we meet somewhere or here?, Cecilia added. Okay, I will!, Emil added and giggled.

Aoi, are you sure we have completed the research on Andromeda Project. Sir Dan and Ma'am Lena are already asking me about the results? So what do you think?, Kaori added while typing some stuff on her computer as usual.

 Well! I think we can make it, but this time, General Ava has given us inputs on what to use to be able to survive in a longer journey through another galaxy since in truth it would take billion years to travel to Andromeda. But since worm holes and time warps we can easily travel only on eight to ten hours max to the end of the Andromeda edge, Aoi said evaluating the data she has on hand.

 I see, so you want to garb a bite later, my treat! We need to celebrate our new findings and that we can already proceed with the launch by the end of March!, Kaori added shyly.

 Aha, is that a date, date? or, just a friendly, buddy date?, Aoi cried stopping whatever she's typing right now.

 Ah, well, if you want it to be a date among colleagues date or couple date? That is just fine with me! As long as you agee!, Kaori now getting nervous.

Okay! Pick me up at seven!, Aoi cried and stood up then went somewhere. As she wlaked out of the laboratory, she stood by the door and breathed calmly. Aoi felt something she never felt before. I think I like Kaori and maybe I have been in love with her ever since and just didn't raliz it until now.

Kaori was left dumbfounded. She winked and then breathed to relax. She was holding her breath a couple of times anticipating Aoi's answer whether she will agree or not. If she didn't, it's just fine then everything will just stay cool as before between them. But now that Aoi agreed to go out with her, then this is different. It means it's the real thing and she needs to impress the girl no matter what. She likes Aoi a lot and she always gets mesmerized everytime she looks at the girl and freezes when she's near her. So, now, a date? How can I possibly do this? Bummer!, Kaori now feeling the preassure but still is happy that Aoi agreed to date her later. Where can I take her?