
Aerogel is the most lightest and ghostly porous foam rock we can see on earth that has been used for eras to build ships, transport vehicles just like CRAWL. Mono, metal or micro Skims or Flighter robots are made out of it and more. Aerogel has polymer substance and its property can withstand excessive heat and cools itself automatically why it's best for insulating, sustaining air and space vehicles especially when we need to have projects like Andromeda and more. Why we use this expensive material is because graphene aerogels are stronger than steel and since it's also 0.2% of steel's weight, it's very light. Rockets use aerogels to keep its fuels at cryogenic temperatures and use flexible aerogel blankets for human use. Pure aerogels are nonflammable since they contain inorganic clay component but can float on water since very dense and porous. MS robots are made to be water and fire proof why our engineer and scientists changed the solid framework of the silica gel to replace them with non-polar trimethylsilyl groups. TMCS reacts with hydroxyl groups that line the solid framework of the silica so in replacing the 20-30% of these groups will make the gel waterproof.

 Pure silica or aerogels are easily fractured that is why NASA, UASA and other science aerospace and nautical laboratories decided to use these inside the MS, aircrafts or ships, because we can't have a ship that is brittle, easily fractured or erode with too much heat or cold wile journeying through space or earth's and other planet's orbit. 

 Nowadays carbon composite mixed with aluminum and titanium alloys are used to build spacecrafts with aerogel insulations and blankets. Hydrogen has a big role in making ships fly and hydrogen ice and oxygen go to liquidation or gas process for rockets, spacecrafts use and travel.

 Ice is a more conjusive and healthy fuel we now use and many call it 'Savior Ice'. It is composed methane hydrate and is better than fossil fuels that hurt the environment and more. Water and Ice are our bridge's fuel that sustains, saves us and the world from oil, dirt and pollution. La Corinada and pther parts of the Arctic and Antartic helped in changing the use of fossil fuels by converting ice as fuel for our ships and transport vehicles. Now we make our own ice and has plants all over Majarlica and the world, universe, to sustain it and people no longer rely on fossil fuels anymore.

 I find it amazing how God created precious stones and properties which we can find in plants and earth! And how we can make inventions out of these ingredients like we are chefs or engineers building out of this world spaceships or rockets, cars or buildings, haaa…I love earth and the universe so much it's giving me goosebumps! Why? Because, the more I discover how amazing God's creation is, the more I see myself as tiny, unimportant and nothing! Do you ever see the vast universe and that earth is nothing but a spec and when you move farther and farther away from the Milky Way, one can no longer see even the spec which is earth nor our galaxy which is Milky Way. So how can we brag or even think that we are gods of the universe when in fact we are just one tiny dot and nothing more. Even if we are gone the universe will evolve and continue to evolve without it knowing about us or our world or our universe. But that's why not knowing what the future holds is exciting and wonderful, we still have a chance to change or make this universe a better place to live in, Violet told herself while appreciating the view while traveling to Saturn. It is Victor of Fire Bout time once again and the Bull Dogs contender Dunea with her girlfriend Ericka and Emil with his friend Cecilia along with Miles are about to travel to Saturn now.

 Genco Hill, I always played there when I was little, Jon thought while anticipating her fight with either Hayaka or Dunea. These girls are the most powerful of all the contenders on VOF Bout and it's making her feel tingles all over her body and excited at the same time. Haa….if in the championship bout we will battle at Zero Rink, wow that would certainly be a dream come true. Genco Hill is the most popular metal works factory that do all your dirty works for you. Starting from plumbing, electrical wirings and robot repairs, you name it, they got it. The AI parts is what I meant! It's a pity that Mr. Genco is old now and is just waiting for his last breathe but still work and do his stuff at the Hill for his beloved customers. He said that even if he is old he can still feel, the pain, poverty and feeling of belongingness of the poor and unwanted people still staying and surviving at Ground Zero.

Why did the world come to this? Before my friends from the Sky, Air and space Kingdoms or Districts, Nations play like our levels and classes didn't matter. We were happy and free. But now the more we think we are free, the more imprisoned and caught up we are from this perception that being wealthy, powerful and famous would make us happy and above every one else. Which is not true. The old sayers were wrong to push us to be who we want to be when there is no such thing as a dream becoming a reality and a person reaching his dream like it's just picking up an apple over a tree.

No! It was a lie and I hate liars! I lived most of my life, seventy years on Ground Zero and saw people, families, individuals leave, come back and leabv again. Maybe, it's really us, the self that needs reassuring. That wherever we are we can make our life happy, fun and exciting. It doesn't matter if you are from a poor or rich family, but as long as you are trying, striving to be better and doing better at what others find hard or useless, you'll be fine. Look at me! I am rich in my own right, though living on dirt or scraps I am happy and having the greatest time of my life with you guys and gals, I'm satisfied!, Genco said to me when I was about ten years old then.