
Ah, maybe I'm taking much of your time? So, I better go back to the party now, let me escort you on your way back to…, Yuri said and when he was about to turn his back from me, I grabbed his hand and pulled it towards me and kissed his mouth gently. Yuri was in shock and wanted to stop me but when he felt something, maybe a spark of what….like or desire, he kissed me back and now deep, torrid, wanting and needing for affirmation, for acclamation, for love….for me to see him as a man who is worthy to be liked and given love. I wished for this day to come too. Maybe we are meant to meet. Yuri kept kissing me and held me in his arms until maybe I felt heavy that we both fell down the veranda ground. Hahahaa….., Yuri and I laughed and then looked at each other's eyes and understood. That's it, I am not Denise anymore but Tina, the secret agent that is about to ruin Yuri's life because I need to be with Eco Amber and survey him. Haa…I couldn't tell Yuri who I was but does he know who I really am? Anyway!.

 Yuri smiled when I was thinking about something else other than him. He touched by cheek and took away some strands of hair covering my face and smiled. We should really be getting back, I think they would miss us at the party!, Yuri added. Okay!, after you!, I said and gave a wry smile.

Mon was a smart and beautiful woman. I still remember her when we would go to the park or squander around at central city when I was a tiny girl. I think I was five years old then. I don't exactly remember why we are going there but with all the shoes I have I couldn't figure out what I should wear then mom chose my favorite white show with gold ribbons on them. She was happy when we walked to town and Ground zero wasn't that weird, gloomy or dark before. Yet, smokes and fires are already eminent since mining was still the major contributor on our districts economy then. However there are parts like the parks, malls or private establishments like schools or hospotals that are still smoke and dirt free that kids like me can still play or walk on without getting sick or dying from pollution.

 But then again, terorrists attacks haven't stopped in bombing or burning town after town due to their continued resistance from the government or maybe they just find it fun to murder or play God once in a while. Tragic as it may sound, I lost mom while we were walking around the park of zero district and she held my cheek just like how Yuri did and told me that everything's going to be alright but it didn't. After that I lived among the peasants of Zero Ground and learned to hustle and trade my body wher Frank saw me in a bar trying to get some cash since I ahven't eaten for days then. As a teen ager I can't imagine the horrors of beign a whore but then if you are hungry and nothing left to lose, you can even eat a rock when your stomach grumbles for food and do all the weirdest, dirtiest or sickest jobs in the world just to survive.

 Frank taught me everything I know now and I don't need to scavange or sell my body to earn. I just need to play smart and go with the flow of the universe to get what I want. And I think mom would be proud of me that I am a secret agent now and helping the world to convict criminals, help the poor and protect the innocents. Mom, this is for you. I love and miss you!, Denise/Tina said aloud that Yuri began questioning. Oh, yeah!

 Hi, Prise, oh, my God, you have given birth to girl, awwee!, Ericka said while holding the tiny baby. Her size is just like a family-sized soda bottle it's strange but awesome. Ericka be careful and hold her tight, you might slip and ahhhh… oh, Jesus!, Dunea shouted when Ericka forced her girlfriend to hold it while she gives a drink to Prise who is still lying on a hospital bed in a private room. Hang on Prise, here you go! Drink and eat well so you will have strength and stamina to care for this cutie! Oh….what's her name by the way?, Ericka asked while sitting beside Prise on the bed .

 Precious, her name is Precious. Since she is the most valuable person between her dad and I. Starting today she is oour gem and we will work hard to make a better future for her and our family!, Prise added and smiled while tears flew down her cheeks.

 Lil Timmy came after closing the room's door with a basket of goodies like all kinds of fruits, bread, cheese, and milk. Wow, papa, you are so sweet!, Prise said as Lil Tim moved down to hug and kiss his wife on the forehead. How are you darling?