Hot Mars

Grandma, if only you can tell me what I should do to secure your properties and …., oh Hi! Michelin, what a surprise. What's up!, Violet said answering a call from her ambassador.

I see, she is still alive (but how) and want me to head PERKS and all her works? How did you know about this?, Violet said and Michelin told her everything.

Grandma is in her elderly years and is still strong sixty years prior to our era now, she was 90 years then but no one has ever known what truly happened to her ever since. Auntie Sadie was so lovely and smart that she continued her mom's passion for writing and in digital arts. Our family, are still intact and all have lived to the fullest, rich, happy, healthy and famous, especially Grandma and Aunt, her family, husband and children. Grandma mentioned about her lover but I don't think it is written here..hmmm, maybe somewhere on her other diaries. Haaa…. Maybe they are still alive now since during those times, time travel and time lapse or warps are so popular and so used up, you don't even know whether a family member has emerged from the past or present. And now I can attest to the truth that Grandma lives and is still living somewhere in another world or realm which I still insist or intend to find out. Haa.. but where's the fun in that if I know where she is or her works are, today!

I am now the owner of PERKS and will stand as key to her works and books. I will take care of your art Grandma and will make sure your works are known to every corner of the universe. I will publish your books to all available publishing companies and be made known so that all will see the beauty and grandeur of what falling in love with nature, world, universe is all about!, Violet thought and was already crying when she said all those words in her head.

It's just annoying sometimes that I need to attend to issues like resistance and terrorism when I already made a decree that everyone have the freedom of speech and they can freely demonstrate, talk to me or even go on strike to plead their concerns or issues. But….haa….Felisima, Sisi, I thought she became a traveller and not in land now. Huh, what do you know she still is as hot as I saw her twenty years ago!, Violet though when beign escorted down her ship seeing her old friend in the university during her emmersion days with some exchange students from other planets. Sisi, wow, I still rememeber you, how smooth your lips are and ….Ma'am? Leader? Violet, we need to greet Representative Koh now!, Michelin whispering to my ear since I got mesmerized by SISi as she was standing out the picket line with some other ladies maybe on a strike for…aha…against me. This is bad and worst I will be on trial with them. Hah…Sisi, maybe I can ask her out later and talk like the old times, if she is willing and still remembers me!

Yes, Mr. Koh, how are you doing, have you received the wine we sent for you and your team?, Violet said and smiled at the shy man. Oh yes madame, I did and thank you for your generosity. My team loved the gifts!, Koh added shaking my hand and when he didn't let it go as if caressing it with malicious intent. I whispered to his ear to give me back my hand or I'll kisck his ass I he wouldn't. Huh, he still is the same pervert I knew back in the days. He is older than me and when I was a student at DOGS, he was just an ambassador and still innocent and kind. How come people change that much when in politics, maybe it's the money, power or the atmosphere of having sadistic, masochistic, power hungry monsters around you that influence and make you one! Hmp, I wonder. Anyway, back to Sisi!...Michelin after the meeting please ask Felisima Torres in my office. Thanks!, Violet pleaded.

The back and forth tossing and turning of questions and answes made me dizzy but held a verdict that I want the protesters given their due compensation as per the company they belong to and jist go ahead with my plan to rest for a while since after too many meetongs I think I would vomit from the stress, t's just too much to handle for me sometimes.

Hahaha…Violet D'Mundo or scratch, scratch, Armac? Long time no see, old friend, or if we are still friends, slut!, Felisima said while Michelin left th room since he thinks this is a very special meeting that I and the visitor can only hear.

Yup, slut, thank you bitch, for leaving me in the middle of the war and left with some guy you just met at a party!, Violet shouted hurt now standing up from her seat at her office table.